Paper samples

In this section, we have collected free essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample papers that were written in the past year and did not match any other category. It has essay samples in MLA, APA, and Harvard format. It has sample term papers in complex topics like quality analysis of drinking water, free example essays on space tourism, coursework examples in healthcare deregulation, and many other free example papers. Essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work
Strategies to Setting and Attaining Goals

Goal attainment process is comprehended as rather complicated process that includes many different relating aspects in order to be completed. In order to reach goal, it is needed to create certain plan. In general, planning might signify any intellectual projecting action, which forms definite scheme for further actions to be completed (Blair, 1999). In contrast to blurred and emotional subj... read more

7 pages

2100 words

Security Solutions After Action Report


In this paper, first I will give overview of network security fundamentals, discuss security threats and issues that are relevant to the medium-sized start-up company that processes credit card transactions on a daily basis. In the next part of the paper, I will provide detailed network security recommendations and give suggestions how to choose the right firewall a... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Which approach in a creative economy is the most sustainable and appropriate for the U.A.E?


The United Arab Emirates is the most powerful country at the Middle East. Together with some other countries, it exports 65 % of world needs for oil and gas gaily, therefore, political stability of the country is vitally important for the whole Middle East; it is also the issue of concern for many other countries like the United States of America, China, Russia, and... read more

40 pages

12000 words

Utility of advanced HyLogging Imaging Spectroscopy

Utility of advanced HyLogging Imaging Spectroscopy to detect hydrocarbons for petroleum exploration

Methods: Experimental Work

limited in certain ways (Clark et al.), i.e. produces certain expected measurements that fit into expected boundaries. Since petroleum is hydrocarbons, the methods of research done by current author essentially were built on the foundation o... read more

3 pages

900 words

Use of Electronic Information Resources

Write 3 possible research questions (written in question form) you are interested in pursuing.

1. What is a self-efficiency of using electronic information resources?

2. How design science can contribute to the creation of effective digital libraries?

3. How information systems are developed in the context of business requirements?

For your... read more

1 page

300 words

Pricing Strategies and Tactics

Pricing a product is one of the most complex issues that marketing managers may confront nowadays. The problem is that many still believe it is market forces that decide what the price should be and thus, there is no way companies can get control over it. Furthermore, pricing is an area where effective metrics had hardly matured: if sales are growing, how to assess that the price is optimal ... read more

4 pages

1200 words

12 Angry Men, 1957

Table of Contents

12 Men Character Listing................................................................. ..................................3

The Major Case Issues That Are Instrumental in Deciding the Jury Conclusion...............4

Jury Member #8, Character Played by Henry Fonda..........................................................5

... read more

14 pages

4200 words

Black Holes


One of the most mysterious objects in the universe are black holes. I have deliberately chosen this topic. Black holes are both very simple and very difficult to understand. A black hole is a product of gravity. They are hard to study, because they are at the moment out of reach for us, but by calculations of mathematicians they can be researched. Even the study of ... read more

8 pages

2400 words

Impressionism and Post-Impressionism Works of Art for the Office

Impressionism works:

Ring Around the Rosy by Edward Henry Potthast;

Nature’s Child by Harrison Rucker;

Calm Morning by Frank Weston Benson

Post-Impressionism works:

Zypressen in Cagnes by Henri Edmond Cross;

Montmarte, de la rue Cortot, vue vers saint-denis’ by Maximilien Luce;

Le petit Port by Charles... read more

3 pages

900 words

System Safety

As a risk management strategy, system safety utilizes system-based approach to identify and analyse potential hazards as well as apply potential control strategies designed to mitigate potential danger. Recent economic crisis with its magnitude brought risk management at the enterprise level to the forefront among government regulators and managers. Systemic approach to enterprise risk manag... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Documents 81-90 of 123


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