Paper samples

In this section, we have collected free essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample papers that were written in the past year and did not match any other category. It has essay samples in MLA, APA, and Harvard format. It has sample term papers in complex topics like quality analysis of drinking water, free example essays on space tourism, coursework examples in healthcare deregulation, and many other free example papers. Essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work
Adult Learning Theory

People used to think about education as of the process that is inseparably connected with a certain period of life. Language also plays a trick influencing our vision: talking about students, we mainly imagine children or teenagers in situations, typical for schools or universities. We rarely think about adult people in this case since they do not fit our stereotypes concerning studying. Nev... read more

8 pages

2400 words

East Asian Studies

Literature works are influential source of information about people’s lives and generational change. Writers provide information on various issues affecting their life and other individuals in a given society. Through the application of techniques such as character, traits and activities they are involved at, we obtain a lot of information on how life changes from one generation to the other... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Communications Problem in Flagstaff Marketing Group

1. What suggestions can you offer Peter Flagstaff and Lindsay Gibson to improve knowledge sharing at the Flagstaff Marketing Group?

In order to improve knowledge sharing at the Flagstaff Marketing Group, the personalization knowledge sharing strategy can be applied. This strategy focuses on dialogue between people. In order to solve a project, one will use the database with cont... read more

1 page

300 words

Leading Organization Change

This paper reviews the literature on leading organizational change with the emphasis on the individual leadership skills applied in different contexts. It was highlighted in the study by Kotter and Schlesinger (2008) that change leaders do not pay sufficient time for evaluating and explaining the possible attitude and resistance of the subordinate employees as the reaction on the change stra... read more

9 pages

2700 words

Commercial and social entrepreneurship


Today, the process of executing entrepreneurial activity forms the main factors of market economic system. Entrepreneurship is a powerful engine of economic and social development of society. It is precisely this activity that is closely associated with such concepts as “dynamism”, “initiative”, and “courage”. Thus, it realizes many interesting ideas, which favor th... read more

7 pages

2100 words

Massage Therapy

In this work I am going to consider the following three types of massage: massage for children to relieve earache, massage for elderly patients over 65, and infant massage. First, let us remember the medical effect massage produces on the tissues it is applied to: these rubbing and kneading movements enhance blood and lymph circulation in the area which increases oxygen supply and thus impro... read more

1 page

300 words

Violation of Human Rights in India

In the world arena, modern India is a country of astounding economic development and prosperous democracy. The issue of human rights protection has always been complicated in India because of the country’s diversity, its huge size, and its history as a former colony. The traditional caste system has made the situation even more difficult. India’s Constitution of 1950 has initiated the age o... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Is There Gender Different in Education?

Education is one of the most important areas of activity of every person and it is natural that each of human beings has one’s own attitudes towards it. However, despite the fact that every person is unique and possesses personal characteristics, some common features can be defined in children when it comes to education. As for the differences, these are effective to be addressed dividing ch... read more

2 pages

600 words

Educational Standards

Educational StandardsNameProfessorCourseDateThe assessment of global educational curriculums has been going on for numerous years. This aspect owes to the growing curiosity among the population, and these assessments try to answer several questions; is the time and resources spent on education achieving its desired effects? What are the weak areas that should be remedied in order to give an ... read more

3 pages

900 words

Problems and Solutions

In every person's life, there are always problems and usually it seems that there very few solutions for them. Some problems might refer to everyday life; the others might appear from time to time and be forgotten. There are problems that resolve themselves with time; and there are those which person should resolve immediately. The only common feature for all problems is that any person is u... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Documents 91-100 of 123


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