Leading Organization Change

by Emanuel Cruickshank, April 2015

2700 words

9 pages


This paper reviews the literature on leading organizational change with the emphasis on the individual leadership skills applied in different contexts. It was highlighted in the study by Kotter and Schlesinger (2008) that change leaders do not pay sufficient time for evaluating and explaining the possible attitude and resistance of the subordinate employees as the reaction on the change strategy implementation. They distinguished the following skills and their meanings in change implementation context:

education and communication. The authors underlined that communication of planned actions, educative programs in form of seminars, group discussions motivate employees and helps to understand the necessity and logic of a change;

participation and involvement. The main idea that participation leads to employees’ commitment is the basis of these skills. But it is stated that in case of radical change immediate actions are required leaving little time for high level of employees’ involvement;

facilitation and support. These skills are especially needed when fear and anxiety are the reasons for the change resistance;

negotiation and agreement. Managers can propose some incentives to the employees in return for the increase the level of change acceptance.

manipulation and co-optation. Managers manipulate, in this context, using selective information and events. This tactic is applied when other methods take too much time or are more expensive.

explicit and implicit coercion. Coercion is a risky process but it is needed when change must be implemented rapidly and these changes will not be popular among employees.

Gilley, Gilley and McMillan (2009) supported the high importance of using appropriate leadership style and applying cautiously professional and personal skills and traits. They pointed the most critical skills and change strategy where these skills match change circumstances: coaching, communicating, involving others, motivating, rewarding and promoting teamwork. The authors also pointed barriers which inefficient change leadership has: misunderstanding of change techniques, inability to use appropriate leadership style according to the required change model, pure communication skills, little recognition of individual efforts. These authors put an emphasis on the role of communicating skills as “leading change requires the use of a diverse set of communication techniques to deliver appropriate messages, solicit feedback, create readiness for change along with a sense of urgency, and motivate recipients to act” (p. 79). Leaders are change agents and their core responsibilities are to help employees to understand the reasons and arguments for the change, benefits that will be obtained after the implementation of it.

According to Madsen (2003) full resistance of personnel (workers, employees, and management) is an integral part of any qualitative changes in the organization. The larger planned or sudden change is, the higher level of affected employees’ interests is. Leader acts as an inspirer or vice versa strict guard to ensure the full renewal of company’s processes and functions prioritized as organizational change goal.

Pardey (2007) summarized the common perception of a leader as a person with a strong personality who communicates ideas and patterns set as a basis of company’s mission and strategy, points the clear direction, motivates employees to follow him and is a master …

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