Paper samples

In this section, we have collected free essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample papers that were written in the past year and did not match any other category. It has essay samples in MLA, APA, and Harvard format. It has sample term papers in complex topics like quality analysis of drinking water, free example essays on space tourism, coursework examples in healthcare deregulation, and many other free example papers. Essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work
Bible in Current Perspective

Bible has always been a subject of a particular interest for the scholars from the variety of disciplines: theology, history, ancient culture and arts, literature, etc. indeed. The point is that The Bible is an important source of keys to existence of human civilization that are under discovered yet and thus, still is studied, but from the modern perspective.

Anyway, for me it ... read more

2 pages

600 words

Electoral College Reform


The presidential candidate is always seriously affected by the number of electoral votes. That is why Electoral College plays an important role in upcoming Presidential and Congressional elections. In fact, although Electoral College plays an important function in the US policy, it always causes a lot of debates, criticism and controversy. That is why this paper analyze... read more

12 pages

3600 words

Music Performance

I have recently been to two concerts: one of orchestra music, and another one of jazz. I cannot say that I am a true connoisseur of orchestra music, but the pieces I was listening to have really won my heart. On September, 12th, I was lucky to visit the concert of orchestra music, where I could enjoy listening to “Fabric” by Henry Cowell, “La Histoire du Soldat” by Igor Stravinskiy, and Xena... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Gender Diversity


Ruchti, L 2010, “Doing Gender Diversity: Reading in Theory and Real-World Experience”, Sociological Viewpoints, spring volume.

Making a review of Doing Gender Diversity: Reading in Theory and Real-World Experience by Rebecca Plante and Lis Maurer, author of the article views gender as a category of analytical type which helps explain society. Ruchti cla... read more

2 pages

600 words

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene was the tropical cyclone which began in the end of August, 2011. Hurricane Irene was active Atlantic hurricane which caused a considerable damage to many countries of the Caribbean. It arose to the east of Lesser Antilles. The storm, which arose in Caribbean sea in August, 22nd, reached the force of 2nd degree and in August, 23rd and caused hurricane Irene. It had the categor... read more

1 page

300 words

The Layers of Negotiation ID Model and the Kemp Model of ID CS 4


Instructional design (ID) is one of the approaches to the process of acquiring knowledge and skills that makes it more efficient and effective. Therefore, there are many different ID models suitable for different needs and requirements. The Layers of Negotiation ID Model and the Kemp Model of ID are among them. This paper explores both models, presents their peculia... read more

3 pages

900 words

Racial Profiling studies in Homeland Security: Issues and Methodology

The prime duty of the president of the United States is to protect the citizens. The president must ensure that Americans are secure from the 21st century threats like terrorism and threats against the homeland. The president must ensure that United States is prepared for emergencies. With the increased terrorism and insecurity of Americans, the US government introduced a new department for ... read more

6 pages

1800 words

Phineas Priest


This report is aimed at presenting the profile of American domestic terrorist group Phineas Priesthood and discussing its core activities and main goals. After identification of target groups, the scope of their initiatives and taking into account some of their terrorist attacks, we are intended to analyze three major homeland security policies that are relevant in our ... read more

12 pages

3600 words

Yorkshire Terrier

Being small, the Yorkshire Terrier is very active. It tends to bark a lot. This barking problem can be resolved with proper training. Some females are monogamous; they accept only one specific male of their choice and may violently refuse others. In general, however, females are relatively indiscriminate in their willingness to accept mates. Failure to mate is usually due to the yorkie bitch... read more

1 page

300 words

My Goals

My main task to carry out this semester will be to achieve more than I managed the previous year. This purpose might seem quite abstract but in reality it is not like that. The thing is, education for me is, first of all, a way to develop myself as a personality. As I. Kant once said “What are the aims which are at the same time duties? They are perfecting of ourselves, the happiness of othe... read more

1 page

300 words

Documents 51-60 of 123


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