Phineas Priest

by Kerrie Stam, April 2015

3600 words

12 pages



This report is aimed at presenting the profile of American domestic terrorist group Phineas Priesthood and discussing its core activities and main goals. After identification of target groups, the scope of their initiatives and taking into account some of their terrorist attacks, we are intended to analyze three major homeland security policies that are relevant in our case. Those three policies are Improve Intelligence Capacity and Information Sharing, Promote the Resiliency of Physical and Social Infrastructure, Ensure Effective Incident Management. All of them are directed to improvement of information sharing, rapid decision-making, proper implementation of emergency plans and preventing all possible hazards. Thus, much needs to be done to develop appropriate response plans, understanding that abortion centers, financial institutions and interracial communities are jeopardized most of all. Phineas Priest

Part I Terrorist Organization Profile

Phineas Priesthood is considered the domestic terrorist organization in America that totally rests upon the religious and racist concerns within the country (Phineas Priests, 2012). According to Hoskins, “The Phineas concept derives from a passage in the Book of Numbers in which an Israelite named Phineas kills a kinsman who has had sexual relations with a non-Israelite woman (brazenly violating God’s law and communal ties).

For this act, God blesses Phineas and his descendants with everlasting favor – a covenant that marks the start of the Priesthood, according to Hoskins. He writes approvingly of murderers of homosexuals and interracial couples, and asserts that followers of the Phineas credo include John Wilkes Booth, the Waffen SS, the Ku Klux Klan and the 1980s terrorist group The Order. Vigilantes also devotes a section to “proving” that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by the Jews to destroy the German nation (Hoskins, 1990).”

Although there is a common belief that this organization opposes interracial intercourse, homosexuality, mix of races and abortion, its initiatives go far beyond acceptable boundaries, posing a great threat to U.S. homeland security. The movement is established to promote anti-Semitism and anti-multiculturalism. They are also opposed to taxation. Respectively, they direct their initiatives to terminate their concerns: they rob banks to end taxation paid by people who earn small wages, bomb abortion clinics and FBI buildings to prove their desire to fight for their rights (Phineas Priests, 2012).

Phineas Priests are the members with the name that derives from the Biblical story about one priest named Phineas who saved Israeli from a plague from God, slaying his ‘heathen’ wife. Group’s ideology is simple as it is not established as a non-profit organization. That is why, it lacks the governing body and operates on moral grounds. There is no formal membership and people can join the group once they discover they share similar believes to group’s so-called mission statement. The group is also religiously dedicated to terminating stereotypes concerning idolatrous practices that were brought by Midiante women to induce the fall of Israeli sexuality (Phineas Priests, 2012). This way, this terrorist group is motivated to use violent means and practices against interracial relationships and various manifestations of immorality. Their ideology is …

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