Bible in Current Perspective

by Georgiann Zuk, April 2015

600 words

2 pages


Bible has always been a subject of a particular interest for the scholars from the variety of disciplines: theology, history, ancient culture and arts, literature, etc. indeed. The point is that The Bible is an important source of keys to existence of human civilization that are under discovered yet and thus, still is studied, but from the modern perspective.

Anyway, for me it is obvious that the Bible is first unique source of human history, development and raise of the first human societies and civilizations, ancient culture and languages, and the scientific and archaeological discoveries, etc. It is a very important cultural memo that touches almost every aspect of human activity from arts and literature to crafts and trades, etc. It is also the first source of human ancestry. Alongside, it contains much violence, pain, emotional strokes, anxieties, and even sex that it can be also considered from psychological viewpoint.

It is a contradictory literary masterpiece that contains evidences of the first societies and institutions to the public good. There are peoples described in their raise an fall, at work for peace, justice, equality, for any society which acknowledges the worth of its members, etc. and viсa verca.

However, at the same time the actual Holy bible is really a tremendous, virtually amazing summation of wisdom and lore that has been handed down to the world from its historical origins. Nevertheless, the nature as well as historical past are usually almost never truly realized from the book. Very often the Bible is interpreted or translated incorrectly with the distortion of the initial meanings, etc. It is sometimes treated inadequately in terms of all-or-nothing black-and-white only, two opposites, typically defined from the problem: 'Is bible really true?' Indeed, the authorship of the book is still not completely identified, neither the evidences from the book are. Some scholars doubt even the existence of the main heroes and their adventures, etc. In this very context, regarding the legitimacy of the statements to represent serious ancient authenticity, there might be a doubt in terms of modern Bible scholarship, evaluation of documents preserved, and the historical record of those documents' origins,etc. However, it is confirmed that the Bible is clearly the job of ancient writers. As a result, it clearly provides a window in to the thoughts of ancient peoples from who much of modern ethical thinking has developed, indeed.

At the same time, exactly the same can be said from the mythologies of ancient Romans Egyptians, Greeks, as well as the civilizations of ancient India, Africa, Mesoamerica and Asia. Anthropologists and archeologists are more likely to treasure the insights that verified discoveries of ancient documents provide about those ancient civilizations and just how they thought and lived, etc. Yet, though treasured and revered, few would think those Bible writings to be the inerrant, infallible Word of God merely because they are of legitimate antiquity.

Thus the Bible, and whatever insights and wisdom are available from this source, must incontrovertibly be accepted as a great gift for the …

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