Strategies to Setting and Attaining Goals

by Frederic Granillo, April 2015

2100 words

7 pages


Goal attainment process is comprehended as rather complicated process that includes many different relating aspects in order to be completed. In order to reach goal, it is needed to create certain plan. In general, planning might signify any intellectual projecting action, which forms definite scheme for further actions to be completed (Blair, 1999). In contrast to blurred and emotional subjective imagery of the goal, plan is recognized as objective perception of presumed sequence of actions with the maximized probability to gain the settled goal. The simplest plan deals with logically ordered sequence of actions, fixed in written form and perceived as guideline to perform certain activities. Simple plan is considered to be linear and forecasting the only possible sequence of actions, when complex one could be network-associated with alternative and complementary scenarios of goal attainment process (Bradford, 2012). Thus, in order to reach the stated plan in attaining aim, the person should keep to plan and time management, stated within that plan, since time management is a core concept of plan actions. Once the person realizes how to manage own time, it would become possible to keep to the planned actions.

Efficient time management is needed for any person, desiring to attain the set goals. Such task could appear not immediately, but still it will appear sooner or later. In case the person perceives this issue seriously, it would become possible to feel significant increase of efficiency coefficient in attaining goal (Kenrick, 2009). When the time is managed in correct manner, it is possible to conduct more actions and not become overloaded.

Moreover, it happens rather often in life that an individual should do something quite important. Then the person realizes the importance of that issue; however, he or she does not have enough desire and energy to work in order to perform that issue. In this case psychologists might state that such person has rather low motivation to actions. Indeed, motivation is closely associated with other psychological process, like perception, thinking, and self-attitude. By changing apprehension of definite objects and by forming the brand-new style of thinking, individuals tend to develop transformed attitude towards own actions. When person starts thinking differently, the one also starts to act differently. Having accustomed oneself to the new apprehension and perceiving oneself differently, the person could change own self-motivation to actions performed, which is understood as one of the core characteristics of goal attainment strategy (Murphy, 2010).

Furthermore, in order to achieve the settled goal, the person needs to start with rather small things that would form the skeleton of further actions. Thus, primarily, it is necessary to create schedules and certain concrete charts with assignments put in them with separation of study time from the playtime, since once they are not detached, there will not be any clear understanding of time for rest and time for work. Drawing clear line between those two matters will definitely assist in further ability to manage own time.

Referring to Goldratt (2004), there is an idea, clearly expressed regarding the …

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