How Karen Lam Motivates

Every person strives for something in this life. On our way to happiness, we all are hungry for “recognition, companionship, understanding, love – the list is endless” (Maxwell, J. 2005, 118). However, it is almost never that a person succeeds in life without a motivation. Any step forward is a result of something that inspires us and gives us faith that everything is possible. Proper motiva... read more

3 pages

900 words

Strategies to Setting and Attaining Goals

Goal attainment process is comprehended as rather complicated process that includes many different relating aspects in order to be completed. In order to reach goal, it is needed to create certain plan. In general, planning might signify any intellectual projecting action, which forms definite scheme for further actions to be completed (Blair, 1999). In contrast to blurred and emotional subj... read more

7 pages

2100 words

Thomas More: Saint or Stubborn

A Man for All Seasons is a play by Robert Bolt. The play was set in the 1530s and it was based on real events which took place in the history of England. A Man for all Seasons’ protagonist is Sir Thomas More. He is dedicated to the Catholic Church and he is also a friend of Henry VIII, the king.

The play demonstrates the King to realize that his wife, the Queen, cannot give birt... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Origins of Behavior

Expectancy theory was introduced by Victor Vroom of Yale School of Management in 1964. The theory offers an insight into the process of decision-making rather than exploring what motivates a person to make a certain decision. According to this theory, a choice of a particular manner of behavior by a person depends on the strength of the expectation of... read more

1 page

300 words

Literary Analysis of Christopher the Fisherman

The objective of this essay is to examine the story written by Hermann Schubnell “Christopher, the Fisherman”. This story tells us about the man who became the best fisherman of ever. Fishing for him was not simply a hobby or a job - it was his sense of life. Once he and his wife made a child, they decided to name it on the honor of his father - Chris... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Take home test

The main task of the university is to give us a certain style of thinking and the ability to find the information. No more and no less. University is not intended to provide instructions, memorizing formulas and constants. University gives us a style of thinking when you would not frighten any problem in your life. Let it be a completely new task, but you'll look at it calmly. When a person ... read more

1 page

300 words

A look at morality and the meaning of my life

Such a category as “meaning of life” is one of the most important notions among the concepts regarding world outlook. It has a tremendous importance for spiritual and moral upbringing of the person. The choice of the life strategy influences not only on the person’s life but on the life of the whole humanity. Purpose of life includes numerous small ev... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Rousseau Analysis


Rousseau suggests that Sovereignty is an expression of a will of all the people but not of the one person or a group of people, so it cannot be alienated under any condition. At the same time he admits that the power to exert this people’s will may be passed on, but never the will itself.


... read more

1 page

300 words

Confucius Bk 15 Ch 18


The following passage written by the Chinese sophist Confucius is a quote from Confucian Analects and is closely connected to the abruption between the person’s serious wish to do something (or even the real life goal) and the lack of the means to reach it. A Personality from the Capital Letter is unhappy only in case he or she wants to do something significant in life (... read more

1 page

300 words

Drugs and Behavior

This paper focuses on the danger of taking drugs in the context of person’s behavior change. According to Bowcott (n.p.) different kinds of drugs have the opposite reactions from sedative to aggressive effects. Such drugs as tranquillizers, alcohol (legal drugs) or heroin have a sedative effect on the person’s behavior that is a human brain function slows down. A numbing effect and drowsines... read more

1 page

300 words

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