Drugs and Behavior

by Phyliss Glover, June 2014

300 words

1 page


This paper focuses on the danger of taking drugs in the context of person’s behavior change. According to Bowcott (n.p.) different kinds of drugs have the opposite reactions from sedative to aggressive effects. Such drugs as tranquillizers, alcohol (legal drugs) or heroin have a sedative effect on the person’s behavior that is a human brain function slows down. A numbing effect and drowsiness can be observed in case of a big dose taking. Moreover, they cause a loss of coordination that can result in fatal consequences like accidents. In contrast, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine and crack have a stimulant effect. A person becomes more energetic, enthusiastic and more alert. However, such a state ends quickly and the person feels emptiness and wants an additional dose. They can also produce panic or anxiety attacks if taken in a big dose. LSD, ecstasy and to a lesser extent cannabis creates hallucinations. Alteration of the way a person hears, sees, feels, smells, tastes and perceives the reality is combined with such drugs taking. They can lead to a dangerous or erratic behavior.

It should be emphasized that each drug is a poison in a varying degree. Drugs are gradually destroying the nervous system of the drug addict, his brain. The influence of drugs and their effects depend on the dose. A small amount acts as a stimulant and increases activity. But in the long perspective they are addictive and negatively influence not only a person’s health but also the relationships with person’s relatives and friends. They destroy a person’s career, underestimate his self-esteem and make him dependent. Drugs block off all sensations, both pleasant and undesirable. And, although the drugs can have desired short-term outcomes in cases where you need to deal with the pain, they destroy the ability and alertness and muddy one's thinking.

Works Cited

Bowcott, Owen. “David Nutt's Dangerous Drug List.” The Guardian, 2 Nov. 2009. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

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