Its a Wonderful Life

by Georgiann Zuk, June 2014

300 words

1 page


In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, the director and producer Frank Capra chooses to bring out George Bailey’s character traits through diverse illustrations and accounts relating to his life as he grows up in Bedford New York. This ranges from dreams, choices and reactions towards happenings that hurt intensely (Willian 45).

Firstly, George Bailey rescues his sibling from a fatal occurrence. Harry, his, brother nearly drowns after sliding through a hole in a frozen pond. Both of them survive the ordeal, but George suffers partial deafness of the left ear. This brings out the braveness in his character. He is courageous enough to risk his life by getting into a pond to save his drowning brother.

From the movie, George has always wanted to go to college and travel the wide world from a young age. However, this does not happen. He is courageous to put his dreams on hold to assist his community members. Postponing of his college studies is an example. He gives Harry his college fees and opts to oversee the operations of Building and Loan so that the working poor can continue receiving loans. He courageously tells off Mr. Potter’s selfish ambitions by saying his whole world revolves around him. As if this is not enough, he gives up $2000 meant for his honeymoon to save Building and Loan from bankruptcy. This in fact, promotes the Jeffersonian success principles (Beard 43).

Having considered the accounts narrated in the previous paragraphs, it is also significant to note that he contemplates suicide when his uncle loses money to the cruel Mr. Potter. This would mean losing his business. At this point, he views himself as a failure. However, this is driven by the pain of seeing a business he has overseen for long collapse before his eyes as opposed to the fear of life. He is quick to reconsider his decision when Clarence Odbody helps him rediscover his real worth and what Bedford would be without him (Nester 23).

Works cited

Beard, Charles A. Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy. Clark, N.J: Lawbook Exchange, 2005. Print.

Nester, William R. The Hamiltonian Vision, 1789-1800: The Art of American Power During the Early Republic. Washington, D.C: Potomac Books, 2012. Print.

Willian, Michael. The Essential It's a Wonderful Life: A Scene-by-Scene Guide to the Classic Film. Chicago, Ill: Chicago Review Press, 2006. …

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