Literary Analysis of Christopher the Fisherman

by Lissa Kimble, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


The objective of this essay is to examine the story written by Hermann Schubnell “Christopher, the Fisherman”. This story tells us about the man who became the best fisherman of ever. Fishing for him was not simply a hobby or a job - it was his sense of life. Once he and his wife made a child, they decided to name it on the honor of his father - Christopher, and father stated that he would become as skilled fisherman as he was. The plan of elder Christopher started to ruin extremely quickly. Firstly, the authorities decided to build the factory. Then - the power station. After the approval of every decision, the man was trying to cancel these constructions and defend his rights. He urged his villagers to unite against this unfairness. However, he received nothing but the absence of solidarity. After the realization of helplessness in resolving this issue, he started his voyage in search of a new place to live. During the trip, he realized how strongly he loved his land. Finally, he returned and decided to build a new a life and, in addition, a new boat for his son, which would be in two times better.

This story is a good example of how a person could be unable to face up to the reality and did not want to adjust to the conditions dictated by the state. Nothing could make our hero to change his attitude - neither money nor public opinion. This issue is directly interrelated with the fast changing world. Even at that period, it was hard to assimilate all the inventions and changes, not mentioning the modern world.

Is it easy to accept the new reality? How could a person adapt to the fast changing world? These questions are currently as critical as they had never been before.

Considering the case of Christopher, it is difficult to recommend something. He dedicated his whole life to an activity that was taken away from him. The loss of our hero can be compared to the hearing loss for the singer. The sense of life costs more than any treasures of the world and not every person manages to recover from such a grief.

However, there are some qualities of Christopher, such as narrow-mindedness and isolation from society that complicated the assimilation and deepened the depression. He did not want to hear other opinions and was steadfast in his convictions. It is unfair to say that it is disadvantageous when person can defend his point of view. Moreover, the having of personal point of view is an indicator of personal independence. Nevertheless, our hero went too far in his judgments. This example immensely applies to the cultural, racial and religion intolerance that becomes more widespread every day. It is indispensable to compare the unwillingness of immigrants to assimilate and accept the cultural traditions of the host country. They encounter the same problems as our hero did. Primarily, it is the isolation and disinclination to interact with …

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