Black Holes

by Jeraldine Jankowski, April 2015

2400 words

8 pages



One of the most mysterious objects in the universe are black holes. I have deliberately chosen this topic. Black holes are both very simple and very difficult to understand. A black hole is a product of gravity. They are hard to study, because they are at the moment out of reach for us, but by calculations of mathematicians they can be researched. Even the study of these objects was given away to work (until they went up into orbit X-ray Observatory). Because light can not escape the event horizon of a black hole, so their existence can be judged only by the powerful influence on surrounding matter. Therefore, it is impossible to detect them in the visible spectrum of light. By simple features of these objects are the fact that they have no chemistry and are described only by Einstein's mathematical laws. Surprisingly, these exotic objects are arranged even simpler than the stars. Surface, in our understanding, is not present. These objects are characterized primarily mass, the second - moment of momentum in the third - an electrical charge. The term "black hole" was introduced into science by John Wheeler in 1968 to refer to the collapsed star. Even Pierre Simon Laplace in his time already knew about the possibility of the existence of such objects. He wrote: "The luminous celestial body with a density equal to the density of the Earth, and the diameter of two hundred and fifty times larger diameter of the sun, because of the strength of their attraction will not give their light to reach us. Thus, perhaps, the greatest luminous bodies in the universe just because of their size are not visible. " Based only on the law of gravitation of Newton, Laplace came to discover that the body with huge mass and high density will not allow them to leave the radiation surface. It was the foresight of black holes. However, the real characteristics of black holes are different from Laplace, because they are determined Einstein's relativity theory, Newton's theory subdivision.

Black hole - the last stage of stellar evolution

After burning thermonuclear matter in the star whose mass is comparable to the mass of the sun, the gas properties change dramatically. Such gas is degenerate, and the stars, which consist of him - degenerate stars (mid-20s Italian physicist Enrico Fermi developed a theory that describes the properties of gases with densities typical of white dwarfs. Pressure of the gas does not depend on the temperature. It is high , even if the body is cooled down to absolute zero. Gas possessing such properties is called degenerate. This theory explains well the observed properties of the white dwarf, so they are called degenerate stars). After the formation of a degenerate core, the burning continues around the source, having the shape of a spherical shell. In this case, the star goes into a state called a red giant. The shell of the giant mammoth proportions - hundreds of solar radii and during 10-100 thousand years dissipated …

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