English essay samples

In this section, we have collected free English essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample English papers that were written in the past year in different formats like APA, MLA, and Harvard. It has sample English term papers and free sample book reports in English and related subjects, free example English definition essays, sample exploratory essays in English, example case studies, and many other free example English papers. English essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work.
Philosophy vs. Ideology

One can find very significant dissimilarities between ideology and philosophy. Ideological background identifies a collection of opinions, ideas that support a particular social establishment or a specific group. Philosophy is the term for examining existence in a matter-of-fact way and seeking to comprehend why life must be as it is as well as the gu... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Personal Statement for Computer Science Transfer Applicants

Computer Science personal statementI wish to submit my interest to pursue computer science in this institution. I was immensely interested in computing at an early age. This is thanks to my dad who introduced me to computers in his place of work. I developed and interest and a feeling of wanting to know more about computers such as how they worked their capabilities and why they functioned ... read more

2 pages

600 words

Activities that Prepares You for the Future Job Position

To achieve career goals, one has to prepare for the future job position and acquire skills and abilities necessary to become a successful candidate. Firstly, to decide what career path or profession to choose, one has to participate in a wide range of activities in order to determine personal preferences, strengths, abilities and weaknesses. Secondly, there are skills and abilities, such as ... read more

1 page

300 words

"Goodbye Mother" Review

If understood literally, the short-story “Goodbye Mother” by Reinaldo Arenas is really difficult to percept. The behavior of characters seems to be outrageously inappropriate and beyond any laws of human morale and common sense. Fortunately, the allusion to the Cuban Revolution and the author’s attitude to it become obvious from the first paragraphs.

The Cuban Revolution started... read more

3 pages

900 words

The C Above High C: Play Review

The C Above High C is a dramatic play by Ishmael Reed. The play introduces Louis Armstrong, an African American musician of the 1950s. An African American person is chosen not occasionally – the reason is that the elements of the play are aimed at dealing with the issue of racial differences. The character and his behavior promote the main idea of the play, demonstrating the difficulties an... read more

1 page

300 words

"The Negro Speaks of Rivers" Review

One of the most brilliant poets of Harlem Renaissance, mainly underestimated during his lifetime was Langston Hughes. On the large scale his poetry is an outward movement towards people, namely black people. The bulk of his poetry speaks of black people for black people from black people as unique entities interrelated by their collective unconsciousness.

Concerning the poem “Th... read more

2 pages

600 words

Human Trafficking



Human Trafficking as a threat to the mankind safety

Historical background

Causes for human trafficking

A. Opponent’s point of view

B. Refutation

Forms of human trafficking

Opponent’s point of view


Ways to sol... read more

5 pages

1500 words

"The Things They Carried" Review

Tim O’Brien is an American writer depicting the war of the USA in Vietnam and its influence on the American soldiers. Tim O’Brien was born in Austin, the State of Minnesota, on October 1, 1946. When Tim was twelve years old, his family moved to Worthington. The impressions about this city made a great impact on the O’Brien’s imagination and promoted his formation as a writer. The events of t... read more

1 page

300 words

"The Tell-Tale Heart" Review

There is no doubt that a short story “The Tell- Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe is an extremely interesting literary work characterized by typical peculiarities defining the writing style of Poe. This short story impresses with the atmosphere of mystery, unusual organization of the narration, and extraordinary imagery. On the whole, the theme of this literary work is assertion that people are... read more

3 pages

900 words

The World Factbook

The World Factbook presents specifics of historical past, population, state administration, economic system, geographic peculiarities, communications, transport system, army, as well as transnational matters for more than 260 national entities. It offers a two- up to three-page outline of acknowledged states, together with dependencies, and some other regions on the planet. The state informa... read more

1 page

300 words

Documents 11-20 of 156


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