English essay samples

In this section, we have collected free English essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample English papers that were written in the past year in different formats like APA, MLA, and Harvard. It has sample English term papers and free sample book reports in English and related subjects, free example English definition essays, sample exploratory essays in English, example case studies, and many other free example English papers. English essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work.
Inductively and Deductively

First paragraph: “Junior colleges come in all sizes and kinds.”

I am strongly convinced that this paragraph is organized deductively because its beginning is nothing, but a strong statement that is discussed through the whole paragraph. While the deductive structure includes such elements as “theory, hypothesis, observation and confirmation” (Deduction & Induction 2012), the... read more

1 page

300 words

”Angela’s Ashes”: mother’s love vs. father’s love

“Angela’s Ashes” is quite a grim story, despite its humorous way of presentation. It is a story of a young Irish boy and his family trying to survive through extremely difficult and hopeless times of the Great Depression, which engulfed not only the United States, but all of Europe too. The feeling of depression persists throughout the whole story and only the end, when matured Francis arri... read more

3 pages

900 words

The Boy in the Mirror

The boy in the mirror is a poetic metaphor created by James McBride in his outstanding work “The Color of Water”. This book is highly personal and it touches the most burning themes that worried the author, and the most essential of them is the problem of racial and ethnic identification. James McBride belongs to a family with a mixed heritage. His mother is Jewish and his father is African ... read more

3 pages

900 words

Determining Causes and Effects

Every successful business shall always look forward to improve management and expenses in its development. This includes strict attention to chain management and willing to cut all the costs. If you want to raise your margins, you should pay attention to the process of importing materials. For example, importing materials can give you lower prices and better quality of materials. This proces... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Gay marriage

Nowadays, so many people have been arguing about whether gay marriage should be legal or not in the United States. In fact, there are already a lot of states that allow same-sex marriage: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, California and New Hampshire. The states of Washington and Maryland have also passed laws to begin granting homosexual marriage licenses in 2012. The movement to o... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Marriage customs in America vs. other countries

The tendency of human beings to form partnerships and establish family units is typical of the whole mankind. It is important to note that in establishing these marriage partnerships, some form of ritual is carried out (Hutchinson). Moreover, there are both remarkable similarities and differences of thought, ideas, and symbolism across cultures in these rites (Monger). America is a diverse c... read more

3 pages

900 words

A Controversial Person

There are a lot of controversial figures in the world of politics. However, you can hardly find a lot of those, who at the same time would be voted the greatest citizens in their own country and viewed as sheer murderers, or even a “butchers”, in the other one. Regarding the latest development of events in the Palestinian-Arab conflict, we may note that the decisions of those people at times... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Brady’s “Why I Want a Wife,”

To begin with the essay “I Want a Wife” is full of sarcasm and irony. With quite a humorous tone, the essay explains to readers why it is so nice to have a wife. There are too many benefits of it. Moreover, the author hints what features a good wife should possess to make everyone except her happy. It is interesting to notice that the narrator is not a man, but a woman, who is both a wife an... read more

5 pages

1500 words

The Economic Recovery Going Forward

Nowadays, there are a lot of developed and developing countries in the world. A country is considered to be well-developed if it has a developed economy, which mainly determined by a high rate of GDP per capita. However, reaching once a high level of GDP does not presuppose that this country is indeed developed. This level should be more or less consistent over time, which refers to economic... read more

2 pages

600 words

Black Friday: "What's The Hype"

Black Friday: “What’s the Hype?”

Thesis Statement: Though many economists and journalists see both pros and cons in the day of mass discounts, Black Friday benefits both the seller and the buyer.

I. Introduction

1. Consumer society

2. History of the name ‘Black Friday’

II. Profits of the Black Friday

1. Benefits ... read more

3 pages

900 words

Documents 31-40 of 156


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