Brady’s “Why I Want a Wife,”

by Mathilde Sisco, April 2015

1500 words

5 pages


To begin with the essay “I Want a Wife” is full of sarcasm and irony. With quite a humorous tone, the essay explains to readers why it is so nice to have a wife. There are too many benefits of it. Moreover, the author hints what features a good wife should possess to make everyone except her happy. It is interesting to notice that the narrator is not a man, but a woman, who is both a wife and a mother. She is tired of her duties and responsibilities and would like to have her own wife who would do all the responsibilities and daily tasks. Simultaneously she describes purely man’s position, behavior and attitude towards personal matters. As a matter of fact, a typical man wants a wife in his life because she will do all home chores, whereas he himself will do only those things he loves to do. This essay is full of sexism and selfishness that can women often find in men.

The narrator does not seem serious in the story which is full of sarcasm. Brady wants a wife who will support her financially while she is studying. Thanks to this wife, Brady can become more economically independent, have more free time and enjoy her life without thinking about responsibilities and family matters.

The credibility is shown at the beginning of the essay:

“I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a wife, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother”. Here Brady sounds like an experienced person with great knowledge. Seems like all the responsibilities, tasks and duties of a wife mentioned in the essay she has experienced herself.

Talking about the essay “I Want a Wife” is it necessary to say that it is very emotional. After listing all possible wife jobs, the narrator asks a rhetorical question: “My god, who wouldn’t want a wife”? with a help of this rhetorical question a reader understands that the whole thing is very wrong. It is wrong to make a wife be responsible for all the chores, to tolerate her husband’s wishes and desires, to be happy with her life, etc. Moreover, women are described in the article as if they are lesser human beings and fewer opportunities. This should make readers angry with such a reality of absolute gender inequality and total sexism. In other words, the author encourages readers to be active and involved in this problem (Glenn, 2011).

The main argument of the essay is that women are supposed to do too much. This idea is given internally through listing wife’s roles and duties. The idea of gender inequality is another argument which is expressed in the part where the narrator wants to study and have financial support. Another wife would take care of children, house and money. By this the narrator shows that women are expected to do far more things than men do. It is wrong and absolutely unfair.

Arguments are skillfully supported by figurative language. A reader can find examples of …

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