English essay samples

In this section, we have collected free English essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample English papers that were written in the past year in different formats like APA, MLA, and Harvard. It has sample English term papers and free sample book reports in English and related subjects, free example English definition essays, sample exploratory essays in English, example case studies, and many other free example English papers. English essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work.
Facing Poverty with a Rich Girl's Habits

Richness and poverty have been antonyms since dim and distant past. As a matter of fact they define not only concepts of economics and social life, but well create psychological images in people’s mind. No longer we doubt that the rich think in much more different manner than the poor do which is logically presupposed by living conditions and the su... read more

2 pages

600 words

Definition essay


People say that beauty is able to save the world. Thinking about beauty, most of us imagine nice looking people, who are happy and smiling. But, beauty is not limited by the way a person looks or feels because it involves much greater and much more important aspects of individuality of a person. Explaining the term “beauty” ... read more

2 pages

600 words

Exploratory essay

What do you do when you meet an unknown word? You Google it. What do you do if you need to find some information quickly? You Google it. We use Google all the time. All we need is to press a button to get the answer to any question. However, can using Google searching engine impact the functioning of our brain? In his article “Is Google making Us Stup... read more

2 pages

600 words

Short Story

This story happened on one of those autumn days when the weather is not too cold as in winter, or too hot as in summer, and there is a rich smell of burning leaves in the air. This is my favorite time of the year when it is so pleasant to have a holiday outdoors. In this period, late September – early October, our family often gathers for the common ... read more

2 pages

600 words

Gary Gutting “Facts, Arguments and Politics”

The article by Gary Gutting “Facts, Arguments and Politics” centers on the issue of truth, lies and real facts in politics. Obviously, this is the burning issue in this sphere and this argument proves to be especially precious in nowadays society.

In order to search for specific trends in the development of the political system of ... read more

2 pages

600 words

Problems University Students Face

Practically each of us either was or will be a student. The study occupies the most part of our life. The student’s life of all students is the same: all students have lectures, examinations, tests. Therefore, all students have common problems.

The first vital problem of all students is their financial state. Students never have en... read more

2 pages

600 words

Preventing Drug Abuse in Middle School

A modern school faced the task of preventing teen drug use. The human minds host widespread indifference, egoism, individualism, cynicism, aggression, disrespectful attitude towards the state, and the prestige of the military public service is falling; as a result, drugs, drinking, and crime become popular, especially among teenagers. Drug addiction h... read more

2 pages

600 words

Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Considered to be a feminist declaration, They Were Watching God, written by Zora Nealer Hurston, a black writer of South Florida, is a novel published in 1937 telling the story of a black woman who seeks for happiness, love and identity within a society full of prejudices and racism of color and gender. Through the main character of the novel, Janie,... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Race and Racism as Compared to the Present

Equality of rights of various people groups has always been an issue of concern. We can face discrimination in a lot of different spheres: social status, gender, sexual orientation, and of course races. It seems that there has never been even a single day spent in the world when at least one of those groups would not be discriminated to a slight degre... read more

9 pages

2700 words

Theraputic aproches for children with ADHD

Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder is a disorder which is observed in 3-5% of school age children. The ADHD can be preserved even till adulthood, causing range of complications at home, school and work, if not being diagnosed on a timely basis and not using appropriate therapy. Currently, this disorder continues to appear in around 60% of adults in case if they suffered from it in t... read more

3 pages

900 words

Documents 41-50 of 156


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