Race and Racism as Compared to the Present

by Abby Harnden, June 2014

2700 words

9 pages


Equality of rights of various people groups has always been an issue of concern. We can face discrimination in a lot of different spheres: social status, gender, sexual orientation, and of course races. It seems that there has never been even a single day spent in the world when at least one of those groups would not be discriminated to a slight degree, or another. Examples of slavery, oppression, deprivation of rights in this or that group can be found in history of any culture of the world. Nowadays there are still problems like that, even though it is considered to be illegal to show discrimination towards certain parts of society. However, we still can face that, and it does not always happen secretly, but often in a popular culture as well. Specifically, there are a number of jokes which humiliate a definite race, social group, gender, and so on.

Racism is definitely one of these problems. By definition, racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities of a person can be attributed to them on the basis of their race and the certitude that some racial groups are superior to others (Shan, 2010). African-Americans, Hispanics, Native residents, Indians have been thought of as inferior people, as the ones who were considered to have less intelligence, less abilities to live at a civilized society, and to be more violently inclined. Even though in the present days, it is forbidden to call people “black” or other offensive words, but to call them African-Americans instead, we can still face racist issues, as there are still individuals who are not able to accept them into their life, their workplace, their families, and so on. A vast number of various politicians, writers, and other popular people have examined and thought about these issues in a lot of ways.

Certain writers put examples of racial discrimination in their books and thus make some people think about their behavior and reconsider some of the values. One of such writers is Fannie Flagg, who posited the questions of racial and other types of discrimination, such as gender, sexual orientation and others, in her famous book Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café. Racism is one of the several lines represented in this book. Flagg shows it in the reality about the way it existed in the middle of the 20th century and it can be compared to the nowadays situation.

The key points in the present paper will be the following:

1) Examination of Fannie Flagg’s book and analysis of the situation with racial discrimination in the middle of the 20th century in the way she described it;

2) Investigation of racial issues in the present days in the USA and in other countries;

3) Ways which may help to eliminate racial issues in the nowadays society.

Reading Fannie Flagg’s novel Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café, one cannot definitely tell that racism is its predominant theme. Together with this one, Flagg specifies topics of sexual orientation and of …

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