Language Processing

by Jeraldine Jankowski, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Psychology and the Improvements or Setbacks in the Field of Language Processing in Adolescents and Adults and Even Infants.

Life it is something we get free of charge, but have to work a lot to be totally satisfied with all the conditions it supplies us with. It is so wonderful to live, to feel the beauty of the nature, to taste the fruits. In other words, we are human beings, lucky to get to know life. Certainly, it is quiet difficult to feel all the natural flavor if there are some drawbacks or some kinds of unpleasant physical obstacles on your way. It is rather hard to hear the sound of a nightingale loving song when you are not capable of sensing by the organ of hearing. It is absolutely impossible to identify the colours of the rainbow if you have a weak sight.

Person’s mental activity is one more powerful vehicle which helps us to understand the world, to arrange everything that are in mess, to get our priorities right. Thinking always gives a result, but such additional mental force like language helps us to make the desirable thing work. So, language is another powerful brainwork that opens many roads before us, language is a mean people understand each other through. If there was no any communication between people world would be an abominable and boring place to live in. We were gifted a tongue to be able to make a noise that could develop in a coherent speech sound to communicate in further. Language makes us stronger and faster during the world comprehension process, thus modern people are much luckier ones in comparison with Neanderthal man talents. One of the greatest needs in the world of today is a language spoken and understood by everybody (Mario Pei 1968).

It is not good to be detached from the world if you do not understand the language. It is our way to coexist and to be a part of the society. And when a person cannot speak or cannot understand the language it is a huge problem which is need to be resolved as soon as possible. Pei admits that language is by far the most important of the tools we use (p.3). Consequently, all the tools we have at our disposal should be fully utilized for such frequent needs like communication with other smart creatures that are on the Planet next to us.

Since ancient times the language barrier was a big problem that always provoked world wars and other kinds of misunderstandings between nations. Sometimes, it is hard to understand even your countryman to say nothing of a citizen from another world place. Language …

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