William Caxton

English, the language of Englishmen, is considered to be the official language for a great amount of countries. This is an official language for the Great Britain, USA, Canada, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan and others. The language is one of six languages, which are used as official languages in U. N. O. Nowadays the number of English speaking people is more than on... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Language Processing

Psychology and the Improvements or Setbacks in the Field of Language Processing in Adolescents and Adults and Even Infants.

Life it is something we get free of charge, but have to work a lot to be totally satisfied with all the conditions it supplies us with. It is so wonderful to live, to feel the beauty of the na... read more

1 page

300 words

The Place of Endangered Languages in a Global Society

The Role of Language in a Present SocietyCertainly, the role of language in the global scale is incredibly important. “Educators agree that the study of foreign languages plays an important role in a school’s curriculum” (LaVaute). Moreover, a person of 21st century should be aware about different cultures, conduct business with partners from different corners of the earth, make friends o... read more

12 pages

3600 words

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