The main concern of the present paper is to assess the results of the small-scale observational research concerning itself with the issue what people who are waiting at the red light do. The purpose of the research was to reveal in what way people spend the time they have as they are waiting for the green of the traffic lights and see if there are any differences in occupations of different age groups and representatives of various social layers. To define the concepts of study the data of personal observations were taken into account. Having observed the behavior of different social groups the conclusion could be made that a few concepts could become the object of the research.
The concepts mentioned have been studied in the way of personal observation in a few selected places of the city with traffic lights, where the stream of pedestrians is especially active and, consequently, the observational work could be easily done. All the groups of people were divided into active and passive pedestrians and the data scored were recorded considering the three categories of age: under 30, 30-60, 60-100. According to the research conducted most people despite their age factor belong to passive pedestrians who prefer to devote the time they have at a red light to their personal thoughts or simply observing the people standing by them or at the opposite side of the street. People’s, who are relatively active while waiting, activity can be grouped in the following way: speaking on the cell phone, eating or drinking, reading or looking through newspapers, checking the handbag and watches, speaking to the by-standers, jogging on the spot and feeding or giving to drink to babies and children.
Among the problems encountered were the difficulty to systemize the data and the impossibility to exactly score the number of passengers observed because of their fast rotation. If speaking on the future research work in this very field it would be reasonable to study the way car drivers behave while standing at a red light and compare the data received.