History essay samples

In this section, we have collected free history essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample history papers that were written in the past year. It has history essay samples in MLA, APA, and Harvard format. It has sample history term papers in complex topics like political parties, free example history compare and contrast essays on Egypt and Persia, exam model answers in European history, and many other free example history papers. History essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work.
History: questions & answers

Q: Nobility and religious institutions helped the flourishment of Renaissance in Venice. Andrea Gritti, the most famous Venetian doge hired some of the most distinguished artists from Europe and they came to Venice. These are: Pietro Aretino, the master of satire of the sixteenth century, and Jacopo Sansovino, the architect and sculptor. Sansovino has built palaces, churches, and sculptures ... read more

5 pages

1500 words


Nowadays, when such means of transportation and communication as air transport and the Internet are making our life much easier and more comfortable than it used to be a hundred years ago, railroads do not play such an essential role as they played in the past. Still, this means of transport has influenced greatly the US national economy. It was one of the main factors that promoted westward... read more

2 pages

600 words

Drone Attacks in Counterterrorism

According to Morality in Modern Aerial Warfare, the war can not be conducted without harming innocent people (Gingras, 2005). There is such a conception as the “just war”, which has its moral and legal traditions. Aerial bombing in warfare can be justified, because of some considerations, presented in Ethical Issues in Counterterrorism Warfare. Not only terrorists can be considered to be leg... read more

2 pages

600 words

African Influence on Latin American Dances

It is no exaggeration to say that Latin dances are among the most popular of social dances anywhere in the world. They are found everywhere and in all dance venues, from serious concert art dance performances (ballet and modern) to patio parties and clubs all around the world. There is an almost inexhaustible variety of configurations possible on the Latin social dance floor. In their social... read more

15 pages

4500 words

Social Rights Movement of African-American community


The United States of America is the country with long history of struggle for human rights. I this struggle the hardest social issues were connected with the relations between white and black citizens. Black people had always faced inhumane treatment, abuse, humiliation and racial harassment. They were deprived of basic rights and forced to tolerate injustice and obey th... read more

6 pages

1800 words


Almost each religion had prophets, which have significantly influenced its dogmatic believes. Islam is usually perceived as being founded my Mohammad, who was the last messenger of God in Arabia. In fact, Mohamed played one of the most important roles in Islam religion. He is one of the most influential leaders who managed to unify Arabia under the single religion, which is cold Islam. His i... read more

1 page

300 words

Western Civilazation

The authors distinguish many motives for exploration and colonization in the fifteenth and sixteenth century. Thus, Reinhartz and Jones (241) considering the exploration and colonization from the perspective of Spain, cite the following motives: expansion of national power and embracing prestige, search for mythical kingdoms, curiosity and adventure, aspirations for economic benefits and con... read more

1 page

300 words

The Pact of Omar bin al-Khattab

The Pact of Umar is a very significant historical document and it turned out to be one of the most influential ones in the whole history of the world religions. Despite its significant, researchers have not come to a common opinion considering its influence; some researchers even claim that the Pact is a fake.

However, it is mentioned in numerous books, although within some cent... read more

6 pages

1800 words

The New America

The history of the United States of America has periods of the development which from the first site are different, but if we take a closer look, they have something in common. In 1940, this country had economic and political conditions that were provided by great depression that happened as a result of overproduction of goods and lack of money to buy those same goods. Something like that we... read more

3 pages

900 words

Unlocking Mysteries of the Parthenon

The current article deals with numerous issues which are related to the Parthenon. What is questioned by the article is how people managed to build such a temple. Its greatness and complexity are described in the article and its main idea is that despite the fact that archaeologists revealed many secrets of the process of construction, numerous issues... read more

1 page

300 words

Documents 11-20 of 73


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