The New America

by Dale Badger, April 2015

900 words

3 pages


The history of the United States of America has periods of the development which from the first site are different, but if we take a closer look, they have something in common. In 1940, this country had economic and political conditions that were provided by great depression that happened as a result of overproduction of goods and lack of money to buy those same goods. Something like that we can observe in 2012 when the world faced the economic crisis four years ago. In social aspect, there are changes that related to the human rights and position of the family in society. The cultural changes specifically occurred among young population. The middle of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries represent two nations with similar and different ways of life.

Looking at the economy of the USA in 2012 we can observe some differences that were not typical for the middle of the 20th century. Looking back at the year of 1940, the whole process of production was concentrated within the country. In 2012, in order to reduce the cost of production of goods and increase profits, many companies moved their production to China. It has created benefits for the owners and for the development of the China, but not for the economy of the country. Previously, more Americans were taking part in the production of goods than now. The process of transferring of the production to another country contributed to the development of such industries of business as services and entertainment. The situation with the economy is similar for both periods. Knowing about the events that occurred in the last century, we can draw an analogy with the current global financial crisis. We can easily find general characteristics in the Great Depression and the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. The volume of unemployment rose from 3.2% to 25%, which amounted to about 12.8 million people. The high rate of unemployment we can observe in 2012, which amounted to about 8%. One of the most important changes is ability to sell products not only locally, but all over the country due to the system of transportation. However, the spread of multinational retailer corporations like Walmart closed many small businesses.

Such country as the United State of America was always seeking to spread their influence to the rest of the world. The U.S policy has tried to get out to the world stage in the role of leader. Now, the policy is trying to keep this position by using any opportunities. Today, American troops are located in many countries of the Europe and Middle East. Policy is aimed to introduce American soldiers in all armed conflicts of the world. Another significant change is that America was not so dependent from the oil of other countries. The production of oil was mostly concentrated in America. In 2012, the United States of America is the biggest …

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