The Pact of Omar bin al-Khattab

by Dovie Spinney, April 2015

1800 words

6 pages


The Pact of Umar is a very significant historical document and it turned out to be one of the most influential ones in the whole history of the world religions. Despite its significant, researchers have not come to a common opinion considering its influence; some researchers even claim that the Pact is a fake.

However, it is mentioned in numerous books, although within some centuries after its development, it was stopped from being used, and this fact proves authenticity of the document.

The Pact of Umar establishes conditions under which Christians of Syria are allowed to practice their faith. Despite the fact that a range of rights of the Christians were limited, the followers of Islam claim that the Pact demonstrates the way they tolerate people who are not Muslims, living on the invaded territories (The history of the Jewish people).

Many Christians of those times, as well as modern ones, were sure that the Pact was humiliating to them and their faith. The act clearly showed the oppressiveness and arrogance of the Muslims and unfair treatment they exercised due to their physical power.

Although the document was claimed to be developed by the Christians themselves, there can be no doubts that they were forced to. One of the proofs is that the Pact of Umar depicts teaching of Koran concerning people who do not belong to Islam.

In order to save their lives and lives of the members of their families, the Christians of Syria had to obey the new rule and change their behavior, following the teaching of Islam. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Pact was so powerful that many Christians remain living under the same conditions, as those stated in the Pact.

The influence of the Pact was huge. On the basis of the new law, the Christians were prohibited from building their cities, monasteries, churches, and monks’ cells, churches in the citizens where Muslims were inviters or in the neighborhood.

People could not repair those churches, and other religious buildings which have been already mentioned above; they could not give shelters to people who were considered spies by Muslims. Those people, whom the followers of Islam considered spies, could not find any shelter in houses of the Christians.

Christianity could not be manifested in public and it was prohibited to convert people to it. However, the Christians were not prohibited from taking Islam as their faith and studying Koran to follow all the rules.

For the Christians of those times it was obligatory to show respect toward the Muslims and always give them a seat if they wanted to rest. Garments of Muslims could not be imitated and it was prohibited to spread the way Muslims spoke.

Christians could not adopt honorific names of people who followed Islam nor mount on saddles. No arm could be applied by the Christians against the Muslims. One more rule prevented the Christians from selling fermented drinks.

Since demonstration of belonging to Christianity was prohibited, so people could not have their crosses or religious book …

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