History: questions & answers

by Winter Fowkes, April 2015

1500 words

5 pages


Q: Nobility and religious institutions helped the flourishment of Renaissance in Venice. Andrea Gritti, the most famous Venetian doge hired some of the most distinguished artists from Europe and they came to Venice. These are: Pietro Aretino, the master of satire of the sixteenth century, and Jacopo Sansovino, the architect and sculptor. Sansovino has built palaces, churches, and sculptures that were imitations of classical Greek and Roman styles. Jacopo Sansovino is famous for the building of Marciana Library. The best artists were coming to Florence and Venice, because they were supported and given employment at these cities.

Florence and Venice created an environment of freedom and competition and this environment promoted the flourishment of city-states, which also survived as republics. Venice had to be protected from the flooding and Venetians cooperated among themselves and created the strong, stable city which was ecologically aware. As a cosmopolitan republic, Venice was an attractive place to people from different countries. Such nations, as Germans, Turks, Armenians, Albanians, Greeks, Croats, Slovenes, and Jews came to Venice and created their communities in this city. Venetians had slaves from Russia, Turkey, Asia, and Africa and this has led to the culture diversity, but the greatest influence on Venice was made by Greeks. Churches in Venice were built by the examples of basilicas in Constantinople. Greek scholar, John Bessarion had a huge library of Greek manuscripts and he bequeathed them to Venice. Venice was also publishing Greek books in philosophy and science, and a lot of people had the opportunity to read them.

Q: The Columbian Exchange is also known as the Grand Exchange. Christopher Columbus made the voyage to the Americas in 1492 and the Old World encountered New World. People exchanged animals, plants, culture, ideas, and diseases. There was also the exchange of human populations, known as the slave trade. Slavery is an old form of trade and the transportation of Africans was yet made in the ninth and tenth centuries. The transportation of Africans to the New World solved many problems, because Africans did not know the territory where they were brought and that is why there were fewer chances that they could escape. They also endured illnesses better than Native people. Slaves from Africa blended into American people and this has led to the diversity of culture.

A very bad consequence of the encounters between the Old and New Worlds was the transmission of diseases, these are: typhus, scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, and small pox. Native Americans had such immune systems that could not endure these diseases, which were brought by travellers, and that is why a lot of people have died.

The other problem which arose after the discovery of the New World is that people gained an understanding that ancient people did not know a lot about the world. There were found people who had never heard Torah and the Gospels, and as a result the question “how to treat these people?” arose. Some people thought that they should not …

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