How Do We Process Information

by Jaunita Naylor, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Many scientists argue that there are four different ways human beings process information, such as: visual, auditory, auditory digital, and kinesthetic. Although, people utilize information using all of the approaches at different times, most of them rely on one approach more than the other three. Personally, I use the most the visual approach to process information. It is much easier for me to process information visually. I need to build up maps, and pictures of information read in books to understand it properly. Watching presentations is also a good way for me well to remember the important information. (Schrift)

Another important question is how to absorb or process the enormous information coming from everywhere. Scanning is a method helping to find important pieces in a large amount of information; it is briefly looking over the content. I often use this method to deal with large texts, some emails, and basically any information given in a large amount. If the information is very important for me, I may take notes while reading or simply try to absorb all the information read. Making a map is another way to process important information. A mind map is constructed using the main points and supporting ideas from the text. Each of the points has to be connected to the main idea and supported by minor details. It is similar to making a plan of information; the difference is that a mind map is more visual while the plan is textual. Also, asking oneself questions about what was just read helps to recall the information and reflect on it.

Works Cited

Schrift, Sandra. Four Different Ways People Process Your Information. n.d.

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