Dangerous and Natural Energy

by Lincoln Gadberry, April 2015

900 words

3 pages


Earthquake is one of the most terrible natural disasters, which can take thousands of lives and cause devastating damages over the large areas. Powerful earthquakes violate the integrity of the soil, destroy buildings, and wreck municipal and energy networks.As a rule, earthquakes are accompanied by special sounds, the intensity of which depends on the distance to the source of its origin. Locating nearby the source of the earthquake, one can hear harsh sounds. However, moving farther, these sounds resemble thunder or the roar of an explosion. Earthquakes in mountain areas are often accompanied by landslides and avalanches. If an earthquake occurs under the water, it causes huge waves (or a tsunami). In other words, the consequences of a strong earthquake may be similar to the effects of a nuclear explosion (USGS, 2012).For many years, a lot of scientists have made great efforts in studying the nature of earthquakes and their prognosis. Although, scientists have tried many different ways of predicting earthquakes, there exist no technologies enabling people to predict exact place and time of the disaster.Earthquake is a vibration of the Earth’s surface caused by natural factors (mainly tectonic processes), or (sometimes) artificial processes (explosions, filling reservoirs, underground caves collapsed mine workings). Small earthquakes may be attributable to the rise of lava during the volcanic eruptions (USGS, 2012).Every year, our planet experiences about a million earthquakes. However, most of them are so small that they go unnoticed. Strong earthquake that can cause extensive damages occur about once in every two weeks. Most of these powerful earthquakes fall on the bottom of the oceans, and therefore, they are not accompanied by disastrous consequences (if an earthquake occurs without tsunami) (USGS, 2012).Scientists record earthquakes by means of a special instrument called “seismograph”. In most cases, seismograph has a heavy weight with spring attachment, which remains stationary during the earthquake, while its body moves when an earthquake starts (USGS, 2012). There is no secret that the United States of America is one of the most seismically dangerous areas in the world. However, scientists from the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) single out several states that are the most earthquake-prone. The USGS even provides the map, which displays the regions of the United States that are most likely to experience a significant earthquake in the next fifty years. The scale moves from white (almost zero risk) to red (very high risk). According to the map, Alaska heads the list of the most seismically dangerous states. Moreover, Alaska experienced the largest recorded earthquake in the United States on March 28, 1964. Next, the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project singles out the following seismically active states: California, Hawaii, Nevada, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Oregon. On the other hand, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Wisconsin, Iowa, Maryland, North Dakota, and Vermont are considered the most seismically favorable states (USGS, 2012). Also, the USGS informs on earthquakes around the world. According to its report on the latest global earthquake data from the past seven days, North America experienced …

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