The Human Resource Development Program

by Ossie Heimann, June 2014

2100 words

7 pages



In order to be an effective manager, it is necessary to improve the definite management skills which can be developed with references to the classroom exercises and at the workplace, while participating in the everyday activities and facing the specific challenges. The list of the necessary management skills is based on the management principles. To realize the certain management principles, managers should have the definite skills; moreover, they can be characterized according to the list of specific attributes. The attributes of the effective manager are based on the behavioral and professional components. To develop specific skills and abilities, managers should have the opportunity to participate in the human resource development programs in which the specific exercises and activities are used for training managers to develop and improve their skills and attributes. While training managers, the accents should be made on development of the active approach to performing and on the professional competence with references to the interactive and group exercises which are oriented to teach managers to complete the tasks and achieve the goals effectively.

The Effective Manager Profile

The Effective Manager

To become an effective manager, it is important to identify the skills and attributes which are characteristic for the effective manager. Effective managers are always oriented to the success in that sphere in which they specialize. The level of the competence depends on the combination of the people’s personal skills and acquired professional abilities. The effective manager should be able to set the realistic objectives and determine the ways to achieve them successfully, to plan and organize the work of the team and individuals to achieve these goals, depending on the developed communication skills. It is important to demonstrate the creative approach to seeking for the solution to the problem and completing the tasks, to reveal the definite level of empathy in relation to the co-workers because of the necessity to build the strong and cooperative team, to organize the effective decision-making process, and to have the developed leadership skills (Price, 2007).

Thus, the effective manger is a person who sets the effective goals and organizes people to achieve them successfully. The success of a manager depends on the techniques and methods he uses in his work. It is important to set the clear objectives and goals, to use the strategies which are discussed by the team, to set the priorities, to listen to everyone in the team, to support the cooperative atmosphere, to train and develop the employees, to support the employees’ progress, to communicate honestly, to be able to prevent and resolve the conflicts and make decisions. Effective managers are oriented to help their employees be successful in their performance and to help the team achieve the best results (Price, 2007).

That is why, managers have to present their leadership qualities and be rather direct in assessing the employees’ work. Nevertheless, effective managers stimulate, train, and develop their employees to promote their professional progress (Hargis & Bradley, 2011, p. 105). The effectiveness of a manager depends not only on …

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