Human gut microbiota and its relationship to health and disease

by Consuelo Priebe, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Article Summary

The main objective of the given article is to analyze relatively recent achievements and findings in the sphere of probiotics and prebiotics consumption with more focus on the former and its contribution to bodily functions improvements in humans (Wallace et al, 2011). Probiotics are microorganisms living in human gastrointestinal (GI) tract and having positive effect on its host, while prebiotics are special types of food that can be consumed selectively in order to promote this beneficial effect of bacteria in the tract.

The authors of the article outline the main benefits of probiotics and prebiotics categorizing them into three major groups: effects on immune system, barrier function, and metabolism. As far as the first group of positive effects is concerned, the researchers highlight the role of bacteria in modulating various intracellular signaling pathways and, as a result, stimulating defense mechanisms. Besides, bacteria encourage intestinal epithelial cells to release more chemokines and cytokines that control macrophage responses. Generally speaking, bacteria play an essential role in antibody production and natural killer cell activity increase, fostering as a result, anti-inflammatory effect (Wallace et al, 2011).

Secondly, probiotic bacteria reinforce epithelial barrier function by influencing the function of epithelial tight junction proteins, heat-shock proteins and by promoting epithelial cell survival. Such mechanisms lead to less frequent invasions of pathogens into human intestines and thus protecting the host from various dangerous diseases (Wallace et al, 2011).

Finally, probiotics suppress the growth of pathogens by competitively excluding them and breaking down undigested polysaccharides reducing pH essential for pathogens’ growth. Some strains of bacteria are able to prevent pathogens from binding themselves to intestinal cells or even displace them if they have already attached. Furthermore, probiotic bacteria can change gene expression of microbes residing in the tract (Wallace et al, 2011).

After thorough discussion of the issue, the authors have come to conclusion that the role of microbiota in nutrition is increasing and newly-developed technologies in medicine help to better understand its activities in GI tract. What needs a further research is the problem of effective probiotic strain selection when dealing with specific diseases (Wallace et al, 2011).

When talking about concerns arising from probiotics consumption, it is important to remember about adequate dosage and kind of bacteria strain, because both of these factors will be crucial in level of effectiveness of the treatment. Besides, the amount of colony-forming units will depend on the time of the product’s manufacture and actual date of its consumption. Furthermore, an issue of products quality is important: some of them may not contain constituents identified on the label or vice versa (Wallace et al, 2011).

What is also worth mentioning is side effects of probiotics consumption, despite its general safety. These include the possibility of systemic infections, harmful metabolic activities, excessive immune stimulation in sensitive individuals and transfer of genes. In addition, adherence may develop, though different researches do not agree at this point (Wallace et al, 2011).

Judging from the wide variety of data provided by the article, and despite the above-mentioned concerns, in …

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