Database System Development Plan

by Donette Cooke, April 2015

1200 words

4 pages



Wendy's is a fast food retail store that offers quality and fresh food to the local community. In the recent months, Wendy’s has been able to growth significantly due to the introduction of home delivery services. In this service, the client can order and pay his / her food through the online database after which the food ordered is delivered. The retail store delivers mostly cooked and baked food to the local residents. After the introduction of the online purchasing system, the store experienced a higher demand for the delivery of food and other products to the residents.

Although the online database system has been able to perform its intended purpose, the directors of the retail store are not sure if the system will be able to support a dynamic interaction with customers on the Internet (Matt, 2010). In addition, the directors have expressed their doubts with the system because the main database in the retail store has not been in working order. This paper will develop a database system development plan aimed at integrating the online database system, and the order entry system used in the retail store. The plan must be able to consider the goals and objectives set by the retail store.

Database Goals and Objectives

The main goal of the database to be developed is increasing customer satisfaction towards the products and services offered by the retails store (Wendy’s Retail Store, 2012). Therefore, to be able to do this, the online database must be interactive whereby the customer may have a wide variety of choices to choose. In addition, the online database must be easy to find on the internet whereby the customer should not have to struggle to access the database. On the other hand, the language to be used on the database must be comprehensible and persuasive so as to attract customers effectively towards the products offered by the retail store.

The next goal of the database to be developed is time management (Wendy’s Retail Store, 2012). The database should be able to save time for the customer in that, he / she must not have to rush to the store so as to access products and services. Thus, by using the online database, the customer can save a lot of time whereby, he / she will only have to order for offerings by the click of a button (Matt, 2010). The prices that are to be reflected on the online database must be accurate and must be inclusive of all applicable taxes. This will reduce cases of customer having to complain that they are paying more than indicated on the database.

The other goal of the database to be developed is advertisement of products and services offered by the retail store (Wendy’s Retail Store, 2012). Through the database, Wendy’s may be able to advertise the products and services offered in their stores considering that many people will be able to access the database. Advertisement is a vital factor in retail stores and as such, Wendy’s may be able …

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