Alternative standpoints toward illness/disease

by Shalonda Fogel, June 2014

1800 words

6 pages


Oxygen saturation is a measure of oxygen amount which is carried in or dissolved in a medium given.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cigarette smoking are major causes of low oxygen sats.

Continuous therapy is supply of oxygen 24 hours a day. As a rule, patients with chronic respiratory diseases saturation are prescribed this type of therapy because the illnesses result in low O2. The therapy prevents them from feeling tired, and increases their activity tolerance.

Humidity is added because the air is very dry. However, when a bottle of water is joined to the oxygen source, the patient receives moisture oxygen.

The patient should be explained all the consequences of smoking when the equipment is one, during the therapy, and away from the equipment. The patient should be advised to avoid smoking to prevent serious risk for fire, injury or explosion.

Hazard one – exposure, fire; hazard two – injuries. The relatives should be asked smoke outside or at least 10 feet from the oxygen; a special sign should be placed to prohibit smoking near the equipment.

PSW makes sure that all measures of safety are followed; PSW also provides help in many other issues which are related to the oxygen therapy and usage of the equipment.

Water based products could be used to lower the irritating effect of the equipment; the equipment should be made sure to fit the necessary size and made to be fit if not so.

Sprays and petroleum based products. These can be replaced by water based products.

– a central storage area for oxygen and the users simply plug their oxygen tubing into a wall outlet;

Portable oxygen tanks and cylinders can be used;

Oxygen concentrator is used.

The patient should be provided width assistance to make sure that the equipment works appropriately; if so, and the client continues having the symptoms, he or she should consult with the physician.

– pneumonia

Respiratory infection;

Obstructive pulmonary disease

It is necessary to respond that the doctor will come immediately to check the problem.


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