Are CEO's Paid Too Much?

by Consuelo Priebe, April 2015

300 words

1 page


Today’s CEO’s definitely receive too much for their managerial performance. The recent protests in the USA arranged by the Occupy the Wall Street Movement proved this right. There is a tremendous difference between the CEO remunerations and staff salaries in many corporations. Such gaps naturally provoke protests, dissatisfaction and conflicts in the workplace. Therefore, corporations should re-shift their internal policies to make the compensations fairer.

It is also quite unfair when CEO receives bonuses, extra benefits and subsidies just for the fact he/she is a CEO, whereas in case staff everything should be gained by blood and sweat. There are extra money running within corporations and the lion’s share is received by CEOs. This fact distracts the working relations, corporate structure. Social corporate responsibility and corporation’s good standing as well as the communication and image in the eyes of partners and customers. Inner injustice within many corporations adversely affects the company’s external operations and its overall image on the market. Considering this, artificial compensations based on nothing cannot increase company’s performance neither can it improve the corporate image in the eyes of the community. Therefore, alternatively, extra bonuses received by CEOs should be directed for the purposes of the corporate social responsibility and socially-oriented campaigns held by the companies. This will advance the company’s status among the community, bring it more customers and increase profits.


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