The Effects of Intergenerational Relocation on Elderly People in Relation to the Family Arrangement

by Charlene Tinker, June 2014

600 words

2 pages



Elderly people can experience positive and negative effects of intergenerational relocation in relation to the family arrangement. The situation of relocation can be discussed from two perspectives when elderly people have to live with their relatives or start living independently. The general effects of relocation can be divided into psychological, emotional, and financial ones. Thus, elderly people can experience stress, a feeling of homesick, difficulties in adaptation to new surroundings, a fear of possible family discord while living with relatives, and financial problems associated with the family arrangement.

Thesis: Although the decision to relocate is usually supported by a lot of arguments, and it can be caused by significant life events, the effects of intergenerational relocation on elderly people in relation to the family arrangement are associated with stress, a decline of vigor, a feeling of homesick, difficulties in adaptation to new surroundings, financial problems, and with a fear of possible family discord.

The Effects of Intergenerational Relocation on Elderly People in Relation to the Family Arrangement

Elderly people are rather vulnerable when they experience different stressful situations and life events which can change their daily habits. The necessity to relocate is often discussed as one of the most stressful situations in a life of any person without references to the age. However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that young people usually overcome the effects of stress quicker than elderly people. That is why, the situation of the residential relocation can be examined from two perspectives. Thus, the effects of relocation on elderly people can be different depending on such aspects as the necessity to live independently or to live with relatives. Although the decision to relocate is usually supported by a lot of arguments, and it can be caused by significant life events, the effects of intergenerational relocation on elderly people in relation to the family arrangement are associated with stress, a decline of vigor, a feeling of homesick, difficulties in adaptation to new surroundings, financial problems, and with a fear of possible family discord.

When elderly people have to move to their relatives they can experience negative as well as positive effects of this type of relocation. In this situation, stress and a significant decline of vigor are often connected with the feeling of powerlessness (Lutgendorf et al., 2001). Moreover, being homesick for previous apartments, elderly people can also experience family conflicts associated with changes in the usual daily life of the family. It is rather difficult for elderly people to adjust to new surrounding and new life conditions quickly (Lutgendorf et al., 2001). However, when the attitude to elderly people in a family is based on respect it is possible to discuss definite positive effects of relocation. Thus, the important relationships and communication with relatives are preserved, and elderly people also have the opportunity to receive all the necessary care.

The problem is in the fact elderly people can want to change their life conditions and environment or they can be forced to change them because …

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