Healthcare Politics and Policy

by Cathrine Schoenfeld, April 2015

300 words

1 page


For a long time AMA followed its self interest response. However, medicine continues its development and together with opportunities provided by the modern hospitals, requirements of the patients grow.

Nowadays the standards of health care are not the same as those which were followed several years ago and many of the standards are aimed at following self interest of the parties which are involved in the process of health care delivery.

It is very important to pay attention to the fact that self interest response which was focused on by AMA, received a severe critique and for a long time it was the issue of high concerns. However, for a long time AMA followed this principle and finally it turned out that it hurt its economic well being

The reason is that self interest of AMA does not bring any advantages to those people who need health care and this fact could not reflect on the reputation of AMA and the whole system of health care delivery.

Fortunately, such approach was stopped from being followed in order to restore trust of the patients into AMA, which is aimed at making actions and taking policies which are beneficial for people’s health and, what is very important, regulate the issues of insurance and payments policy

For example, for a long time people with low income could not afford health care insurance. Of course, this factor depends upon many other organizations, but role of AMA is very important as well.

One more example is that policies of AMA, being focused on self interest, did not pay much attention to the issues of cultural diversity, which is very important for the process of treatment. The issue was disregarded because it requires additional spending. However, when implemented, it demonstrates that promotion of cultural diversity has positive impact on the process of treatment.


AMA. Retrieved from HYPERLINK ""


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