5 Themes of Geography

by Dovie Spinney, May 2015

300 words

1 page


Theme 1

Relative location is location of some geographical object in relation to another geographical object or place. For example, Wisconsin is south of Canada.

Absolute location is a point at the surface of the Earth. The pint is expressed by a coordinate system (latitude, longitude). For example, Longitude of Wisconsin is 86o 49’W to 92 o 54 W. its latitude is 42 o 30’N to 47 o 3’N

Theme 2

A place can be described by two kinds of characteristics – physical and human. The physical characteristics make up the natural environment and they include water bodies, forms of the land, soils, climate, natural vegetation, animal life. As for human characteristics, these are human ideas and actions, i.e. houses, parks, bridges and also population density, patters of the language religion, political systems, architecture, etc.

Theme 3

There are various ways that humans impact the environment of the home region. All the impacts are made to make the environment fit people’s needs through building houses, farms, dams, irrigating fields, digging mines, etc. (The Five Themes of Geography).

Theme 4

More and more immigrants started moving to Wisconsin since the end of the 19th century. The movement affecter the environment greatly as more people needed more buildings, more farms, more fields; more farms required more farm animals, and flora and fauna of the state suffered greatly while people tried to make it fit their needs. However, coming of the immigrants affected people as well, as different cultures affected the original culture of the Indians, who resided at the territory of the state until the beginning of the 19th century (Wisconsin – Migration).


Wisconsin is both physical and cultural region. The reason is that it possesses physical characteristics (soils, land shapes, water bodies, etc.) and those of cultural type, which are created and developed by people (The Five Themes of Geography).

Works Cited

The Five Themes of Geography. Web. 9 Sept, 2012, < HYPERLINK "http://www.csustan.edu/teachered/facultystaff/betts/handouts/pdfs/five% 20themes%20of%20geography.pdf" http://www.csustan.edu/teachered/facultystaff/betts/handouts/pdfs/five%2 0themes%20of%20geography.pdf >.

Wisconsin – Migration. Web. 9 Sept, 2012, < HYPERLINK "http://www.city-data.com/states/Wisconsin-Migration.html" http://www.city-data.com/states/Wisconsin-Migration.html >.


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