Performance Management Process

by Lee Boyle, April 2015

300 words

1 page


Traditional, 12-item graphic rating scale, is not the best performance management strategy for the company under discussion as it leads to misunderstandings between the supervisor and employee and assesses human traits and behavior “quite general, often not representing specific behaviors that indicate positive or negative performance” (Attached File p. 266). This strategy is especially inefficient when it comes about the staff members, who are on contract and are not fully integrated into the organization. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to suggest new performance management strategies to improve performance management process in the company under discussion.

Modification of the performance management process should consist of changing the strategies, used in performance appraisal, in order to change the attitude of employees to performance management and in order to get fuller and more sufficient information about employee’s work performance. The new strategies to use include 360-degree feedback and behavioral anchored rating scale. The first strategy is a multiple-input approach to performance appraisal, where “the sphere of feedback sources consists of supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers, and one’s self” (360 Degree Assessment: An Overview 2012). With the help of this strategy the team component will be observed and assessed. The problem is that this strategy will be less effective for performance appraisal of those on contract. BARS, in its turn, is a good mean of assessing those, on contract as it concentrates not on the general description of work abilities of a person, but on “specific behavioral descriptions of the different levels of employee performance” (Attached File p. 268). Surely, the process of implementation of new strategies is difficult and quite risky. It is important to overcome the overall rejection of performance appraisal and management among employees. Moreover, the most serious obstacle can become the use of performance appraisal to take revenge upon the co-workers. This obstacle can be overcome with the help of introduction of different administrative means for facts misrepresentation or/and lying.


Attached File.

360 Degree Assessment: An Overview. Retrieved Aug. 31, 2012, from:



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