Hospital review/Report

Australia belongs to a number of the countries with the developed health care system. The structure of health care of the state includes a number of all-medical, profile, pre-hospital and hospital medical, paramedical and other components.

The important place in the structure of the Australian health care is occupied by the rende... read more

8 pages

2400 words

Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform


Introduction/Thesis: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed by President Obama on March 23 in 2010 has both supporters and opponents (Ryan, n. d.). The battle over the necessity of the law and the tax imposed by the law on those Americans who refuse to buy (or simply cannot buy) one of health insurance plans (The Patient P... read more

3 pages

900 words

Analysis of the Research Paper (Literature Review)


The given research paper represents the self-sufficient research containing a profound analysis of the policy of health care system for veterans in the USA. It covers a profound data analysis, and the key points of the research are represented in the structural analysis of the found information about the health care system... read more

10 pages

3000 words

Government Institutions that Make Health Policy

Question 1

Policy making in the sphere of public health presupposes economic, social, psychological, ecological, political and cultural factors in aggregate influencing the comfort of human life in society and a state of health. In other words, active public health (similar to ecological, gender, etc.) expertise should be conducted... read more

2 pages

600 words

Health Care Economics

Health Care Economics

There is no doubt that balancing healthcare cost with healthcare quality became one of the most topical problems discussed in society. People generally consider cost of healthcare services to be unbearably high and the quality of services- relatively low. On the whole, healthcare institutions are characterized by high costs of running business. Unfortunatel... read more

1 page

300 words

Complimentary Modality

There are many complimentary healing modalities, such as homeopathy, imagery, journaling, massage, M technique, meditation, reiki, relaxation, life review, sense therapies, soothing music, spiritual reflection, therapeutic touch and others.

Prayer is one of the modalities and it has personal meaning for every individual. This meaning comes from religious background of the patien... read more

2 pages

600 words

The importance of Community Service

Currently, I am a volunteer at the Mission on Poplar, Memphis, TN. I have been for one year at the mission and during this year I have been giving my service three days a week. Those days I met people of various professions, people who come from various backgrounds, have different race, culture, religion, social status, income, etc. Many of them shared some similar features, while problems o... read more

1 page

300 words

Health Insurance

The National Health Insurance presents different proposals, which are aimed to improve the quality, accessibility and delivery of health care. Namely, a single public plan which focuses on providing all kind of necessary medical care for all Americans, excluding the coverage for all unnecessary or inefficient care as well as for expenditure for co-payments and deductibles can be supplemented... read more

1 page

300 words

Family Health Care: Child & Adolescent Nursing


The purpose of this report is to study the peculiarities of the nursing care needed by children and adolescents. Special psychological and physiological characteristics of the age groups under consideration have been emphasized. Stress caused by health problems by children and adolescents can be significantly reduced by the proper nursing care provided.

INTR... read more

6 pages

1800 words

Future Health Care in the USA


Many experts admit that nowadays the entire health care system in the USA is passing through an important definitive period. The system as a whole expects many significant changes, which will definitely affect the functions and the philosophy of the health care. There are three points on which the health care system of the USA is based: the so called retail inspired... read more

2 pages

600 words

Documents 1-10 of 32


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