Othello study guide

by Martin Kamaka, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Act III, scene 1.1. The scene starts with Cassio asking musicians to play to set Othello in a good mood because he is involved in suspicion at that point already. The talk between a musician and a clown adds theatrical touch to the scene to remind of Shakespeare’s concept of life as theatre play, so after this episode the characters look like puppets in the play.2. Cassio says “I never knew a Florentine more kind and honest” referring to Iago, which is a contrast to his true nature. By honesty he means his readiness to help him,which yet has quite a different purpose.3. Cassio asks Emilia for help in approaching Desdemona while her husband is awayAct III, scene 2.Othello, Iago and their companion are in the tower, where Othello gives Iago and order to deliver correspondence to addressees. Meanwhile, he decides to have a look at the town’s walls that protect the citadelAct III, scene 31. At the beginning of the scene Cassio and Desdemona talk, while Othello is absent, and Desdemona promises that she will help Cassio by speaking to her husband. He leaves quickly though not wanting to meet Othello, yet he notices this. Desdemona’s being on Cassio’s side amplifies Othello’s suspicion and jealousy.2. The lines contain foreshadowing of future events, which are based on Othello’s imagination, and implies Cassio’s complete falling out of Othello’s grace3. Iago wants to reassure Othello that Desdemona’s guest was not Iago, so that his behavior could causes even more suspicion4. There is an irony because while she believes the situation to be quite transparent and honest, the reality is that Iago uses both Cassio and her in his own goals.5. The tone of Desdemona is mild but assertive, she does not leave her husband alone until he agrees to talk to Cassio. She even tries to manipulate using her femininity and her emotional power over his husband, so because he loves her, he eventually gives in.6. His own weakness frightens Othello, as he realizes that he is helpless in front of his wife, although he suspects her of infidelity. By using hints and manipulating emotions and evidence, Iago manages to magnify his doubt and jealousy7. At the point Othello is strong enough to refuse thinking that Desdemona is unfaithful. He believes himself to be a civilized man, so his wife can be charming enjoying life in a good company. So, he tries to believe that she is virtuous and says that only real evidence will make him doubt this.8. The green-eyed monster is a metaphor for jealousy that Shakespeare uses in the play. He suggests that this monster feeds on human blood, so he underlines that the feeling is based on passion and subconscious instincts, so the monster can be very destructive when angry.9. Iago asks Othello watch his wife for some time, because he knows that when he starts thinking about the idea of infidelity, his imagination will give him more and more proof of his suspicion10. In his interaction …

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