Psychology of Criminal Behavior

by Traci Ulibarri, June 2014

900 words

3 pages



The present paper aims at analyzing the presentation which covers the major psychological, biological, evolutionary and cognitive and social theories in their close correction of the criminal offending of Paul Bernando and his wife Karla Homolka. It is possible to say that the analysis is carried out thoroughly; the major theories were explained concisely; all the factors from the life of Bernando mentioned are depicted as relevant ones. In the end of the analysis the author concludes that the following theories can be applied: psychodynamic theories (Freud’s, mother deprivation theory), cognitive theory, evolution theory (female-perpetrated crime).

Key words: criminal behavior, analysis, risk factors, psychological theories, cognitive theory, social theory.

Psychology of Criminal Behavior

The present paper is a critical analysis of the media presentation which touches upon the criminal case of Bernando and Homolka and attempts to highlight psychological pathways to, risk factors for and theories of criminal offending. The main objective of this paper is to critically evaluate how well the presentation depicts the above mentioned factors within the context of the given criminal case. In order to evaluate the consistency of portraying the theories and psychological factors in the media presentation I made use of the media sources which were reviewed in the presentation.

Structurally, the presentation can be subdivided into several parts. Firstly, it is a brief outline of various theories which can account for criminal behavior. Then the author describes in a few words the nature of the crimes, committed by Paul Bernando and Karla Homolka. And finally, the most part of the presentation is dedicated to the analysis of how psychological theories, factors and risks are reflected within the framework of the criminal case. Speaking about the distribution of the material, the greater part of the presentation is devoted to the analysis of the reasons and factors which must have been connected with criminal offending and led to committing the crimes. Such a distribution of the presentation is seen as meaningful.

If to look at each part more specifically, I can state that the first part comprises the following theories which can be correlated with criminal offending: biological theories which study the connection of biology and crime, evolutionary theories, psychodynamic theories, cognitive and social factors. I should say that the author mentioned only relevant theories which are explained concisely and from the viewpoint of the central issue of the discussion.

The starting point in the analysis of the risk factors, linked with criminal offending and criminal behavior, is Paul’s childhood and his family situation. With the help of the media source, the author follows the major events in the family which led to such devastating results in Bernando’s later life. The analysis of the Bernandos’ family life is seen as thorough; the author mentioned all the important factors and a possible turning point for a later development of criminal behavior: Paul’s argument with his mother when he was 16 and when he got to know the truth about his real father.

The analysis of Paul’s early life and family problems …

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