Psychology paper samples

In this section, we have collected free psychology essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample psychology papers that were written in the past year. It has psychology essay samples in MLA, APA, and Harvard format. It has sample psychology term papers in complex topics like Elderly People in the USA, free example psychology essays, coursework on personal and professional development, and many other free example psychology papers. Psychology essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work.
Stress Management for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Analyzing Transcripts Using Coding

This paper provides an analysis of the coded data from the interview carried out on two independent adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse who used different stress management processes (Wilson, 2006). The coded data is from two different interviews; one of Sandy and that of Gennifer who used d... read more

2 pages

600 words

Psychology Article Summary

The article “Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models” by Albert Bandura, Dorothea Ross & Sheila A. Ross (1961) has become a classical work in the psychological science. The main topic of this work is aggressive behavior displayed by children and the mechanisms that trigger it.

The main goal of the stud... read more

4 pages

1200 words


Every science needs a theoretic basis for development. The major part of the necessary data can be provided by research, a systematic investigation or inquiry f materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions (Oxford Dictionaries), establish new theories and prove or disprove already existing ones. While this is a largely multisided and complicated process, there ... read more

2 pages

600 words

Final Assignment

1. Describe the three basic paradigms of contemporary psychology. Which of these paradigms, any or all, do you think will stand the test of time?

Psychology is the theoretical and applied science of behavior and mental processes. Through the largest part of the early 20th century the psychological science was dominated by the beh... read more

8 pages

2400 words

Psychologica explanation of criminal behaviour


The present paper aims at analyzing the case study of Paul Bernando, a serial rapist and killer who committed crimes, assisted by his wife Karla Homolka. The main objective was to apply relevant psychological theories in order to find certain factors that correlate and uncertain the causes of the crimes. Taking into accou... read more

3 pages

900 words

ADHD and kids

In accordance to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (hereinafter referred to as ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder that targets 3-5 percent of all American children, and that interferes with an individual’s ability to stay focused on a task and to exercise cognitive and/or behavioral age-appropriate inhibition (NINDS, 2011, ... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Mental Status Exam: Thought Process.

Thought process is a part of a mental status examination that evaluates quantity, form and tempo of thought. Taking into account that the professional implementing testing is not able to know the person's thought process, all the conclusions are drawn on the basis of communication with the person. It is an important clinical assessment tool widely ado... read more

8 pages

2400 words

Advantages to Labelling


The paper discusses the benefits of labelling. Labels or diagnoses are usually applied in order to denote specific characteristics of individuals. The work discusses the psychiatric disorders and the advantages of their labelling.

Keywords: labelling, mental disorder

Advantages to Labelling

... read more

4 pages

1200 words

The evaluation of child abuse charges.


Child abuse occurs in different forms, which include sexual, physical, emotional and psychological abuse. These forms of child abuse are common in the society, and psychologists play a vital role in the area of forensic practice. This has led to a great overlap between forensic psychology and family law. They are often... read more

11 pages

3300 words


Assessment of suicide risk and management of deliberate self-harm (OUP, 2012) are the most important steps towards restoring mental balance in patient. Suicide risk assessment may imply open discussion, share observations, or discussion of suicidal thoughts (Sharon, 2010) approach. Most often, counselors use several or all these approaches altogether;... read more

2 pages

600 words

Documents 51-60 of 73


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