Psychologica explanation of criminal behaviour

by Hassie Canela, June 2014

900 words

3 pages



The present paper aims at analyzing the case study of Paul Bernando, a serial rapist and killer who committed crimes, assisted by his wife Karla Homolka. The main objective was to apply relevant psychological theories in order to find certain factors that correlate and uncertain the causes of the crimes. Taking into account the facts concerning the family situation (father’s abuse, his sexual abuse of Paul’s sister and his mother’s reluctance to care about the home and children), the fact that Paul had a different real father, his felling of hatred towards his parents can be seen as root causes of further crimes. At this stage we can apply the following theories: psychodynamic theories (Freud’s, mother deprivation theory), cognitive theory. As far as Karla’s participation in the crime is concerned, we can account for this fact with the help of evolution theory (female-perpetrated crime).

Key words: psychological theories, crime, biological theory, psychodynamic theory, evolution theory, cognitive theory, evolution theory, traumatic experience, inner drive, sexual abuse, sadistic sexual behavior.

Psychological Explanation of Criminal Behavior

At present the criminal situation is unfortunately leaves mush to be desired, as the level of crimes does not tend to decrease. Researchers in the field of criminal law and psychologists do their best in order to explore and uncertain the factors which are connected with crime and in such a way to prevent people from committing crimes. In the present paper we will take the case of a serial rapist Paul Bernando and his wife Karla Homolka as an example and we will try and analyze how various psychological factors and theories find their reflection and conceptualization in this case.

First of all, it is essential to briefly outline the major theories and psychological factors that can give rise to criminality. R. Serin et al. (2009) put forwards a number of major theories that can give account for people’s committing crimes (Serin et al., 2009). In terms of the biological theory researchers examine the link between biology and crime by various means that include comparing behavior of normal individuals with those suffering from conduct disorders or psychopathy and by analyzing biological factors which can correlate and predict official criminal offending (Serin et al., 2009). The evolution theory comprises the following issues: life history theory; psychopathy; homicide, explained through the prism of male-male competition; gender differences in crime (Serin et al., 2009). Psychodynamic theories (e.g., Freud’s theory about unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, traumatic experiences; theory of maternal deprivation by Bowlby; Hirschi's control theories) concentrate on inner drives which cause in individuals anti-social behavior and also put an emphasis on parent-children relationship whereas behaviorism focuses on certain observable processes (Serin et al., 2009). Cognitive theories try to find correlation with crime through learning of interaction and communication in social contexts, including such small groups as families, friends and peers (Serin et al., 2009).

Having outlined the basic factors which can correlate with crime, we would like to move on to the case study and further examining of how the above mentioned …

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