Psychology paper samples

In this section, we have collected free psychology essay samples that were uploaded by other college students for your inspiration and reference. This section contains sample psychology papers that were written in the past year. It has psychology essay samples in MLA, APA, and Harvard format. It has sample psychology term papers in complex topics like Elderly People in the USA, free example psychology essays, coursework on personal and professional development, and many other free example psychology papers. Psychology essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work.
My Life Philosophy

My Life Philosophy

My life is not easy, but interesting at the same time. My parents are simple people: my mother is a housewife, and my father works as a farmer. I was married twice; my first marriage was a failure, while my second one looked like a paradise. In several months after the first divorce I met another man, a self-co... read more

2 pages

600 words

Simple Unawareness

Psychology recognizes knowledge as one of the possession forms. Thus, person that is dedicated to search for knowledge finds satisfaction in it, since awareness for him or her is observed as aim itself. Not unawareness, but its understanding stimulates to search for knowledge. Ignoramus knows nothing about personal narrow-mindedness. Thus, the one, who searches for knowledge, has simple unaw... read more

3 pages

900 words

positive psychology

Positive Psychology

The “Authentic Happiness” exam has shown that my strength is kindness and generosity, and in the following reflexion paper I will describe how I applied it for 5 days and what feelings and results I had. At day one I decided to start from small actions, so on my way to university a held a door for a total stranger. He... read more

2 pages

600 words

Innate Behaviors

Human nature is hard to define. Every time we react to external situations we prove our own unique evolved nature. The naturalness in human behaviors, decisions and actions is initially inherited from the ancestors and afterwards is shifted by our individual experiences as well as the immediate environment where we spend our life. Thus, human behavior is a result of innate human nature and ... read more

1 page

300 words

“Aging and the production effect" Article Critique

The article “Aging and the production effect: a test of the distinctiveness account”, written by Olivia Lin and Colin MacLeod focuses on the issue of distinctive productiveness through saying words aloud and its benefits for improving the remembering among older adults. Taking into consideration various findings, the authors foreground the advantages of the production effect, which helps to ... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Eyewitness Testimonies

The results of the tests were very impressive. I wrote a list of more than ten words for each of the tests; however, in the second test I had what the lecturer calls “false memory” (False Memory, 2007). During the second test, I tried to recollect more words describing negative emotions, so I wrote “anger”, which had not been on the list.

I believe, eyewitness testimonies should... read more

1 page

300 words

Heredity and Environment in Intelligence Expression

What influences intelligence more: heredity or environment? This question caused a lot of debates among psychologists, resulting in their division into two camps: Hereditarianists and Environmentalists. However there are psychologists who hold that intelligence is a result of both nature and nurture.

The most famous experiment conducted in this regard is called “Twins experiment... read more

1 page

300 words

Depression and Symptoms of Depression


According to the World Health Organization, “depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration (Mental health).”

Thus, the main symptoms are bad mood, lack of interest towards anything, presence of fe... read more

1 page

300 words

Related and Independent t-Tests

The t-test is one of the most frequently used statistical procedures. It compares the means of two groups. The t-test can be divided into two types - the test which analyses data from groups which are independent and the t-test which is performed on the basis of information about related groups. In the second case the participants of the test do not share many common characteristics, while t... read more

1 page

300 words

What Do We Know About Sleep

There are five stages of sleep, four of which are rarely accompanied by rapid eyes movement (REM). The last and the deepest stage of sleep, the 5th stage is accompanied by REM and in this stage dreams usually occur. However dreams can occur during NREM sleep as well, but these NREM dreams are different. Dreams occurring during REM sleep are more goal-oriented and consistent, while NREM dream... read more

1 page

300 words

Documents 11-20 of 73


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