Stress Management for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

by Min Brust, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Analyzing Transcripts Using Coding

This paper provides an analysis of the coded data from the interview carried out on two independent adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse who used different stress management processes (Wilson, 2006). The coded data is from two different interviews; one of Sandy and that of Gennifer who used different stress management ways. Sandy was forced by what she feels was unavoidable circumstance to subject herself to sexual abuse. She is interviewed on her opinion, future plans and experience. On the other hand, Gennifer was also subjected to sexual abuse due to different reasons and gets stress from what transpired in the past and opts for counselling to get means of managing stress (Winnenburg, Wachter, Plake, Doms, & Schroeder, 2008). She is interviewed on her general life experience and her present view of life after counselling and application of stress management measures.

Part 1:

“Self help things that overwhelm me” in this phrase, it comes out that the speaker hoped for something overwhelming. This might mean; something interesting, enjoyable and less harmful in nature. “That are not practical” in the real sense, a thing that is not practical is that one that you only see, hear but not experience. “I read so many books” in most cases, an individual will only read many books when that person anticipates knowing much. Therefore the interviewer had an urge to get exposed to a lot in a specific field (Yu, 2006). “You had whittled it down where it was useful” this phrase gives a clear indication that the speaker was in a desperate state and could go for anything worthy helping.

“I have lots of different things to try” a show of willingness and ability to try out. “Some might work all the time” an indication that even in the commercial sex field, there are people of two kinds; those that work partially and those that work all the time. “Always concerned about black women that are overworked and feel like they’re superwomen” this phrase informs other people that discrimination based on race is also exercised in the field of sexual abuse. Based on this statement, black people are assumed to be energetic. “To do that if you don’t love yourself” the speaker has a sense pertaining to self importance, and that is why she knows what a person who loves himself or herself should do (Yao, Evans, & Rzhetsky, 2009)..

“Still dealing with loving myself” a show of self-consciousness. “Doing these things to take care of myself” the indication that the speaker was doing what she was doing just to take care of her personal needs. “I have come to a place in my life where I’m important.” Realization of self-importance is an important aspect in life to an individual who has gone through trying moments. “A lot of what stresses me is things that aren't even my issues” a depiction that there are many issues not really personal that stresses survivors of the childhood sexual abuse (Vilkinas, 2008). “I can …

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