Business essay samples

This section contains free business paper samples that were uploaded by other students for your inspiration. This is a collection of sample business papers of different length. We have sample business term papers in complex topics like Strategic Planning, free example business essays on social media, sample business exam model answers on industry analysis, and many other free example business papers. Business essay samples in this section are free for you to download. Select a sample essay you would like to download and click “Download full essay” button at the bottom of the page. Please do not submit essay examples as your own work.
Strategic Planning

Executive Summary

This paper provides a strategic plan for a new coffee house, called Paradise. The coffee house is targeted to different groups of customers and delivers a wide range of competitive products. The paper includes SWOT analysis highlighting the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Paradise. It summ... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Administrative Responsibility & Ethical Leadership: Building Trust and Accountability while pursuing organizational interest

Description of TitleLeadership is evolving into various forms and shapes with behavior being an important facet of this change. The research title highlights the contribution to understanding the connection between ethical leadership and accountability and trust in employees. Today’s organizations are changing under political, economic, and financial influence to reinvent themselves and thei... read more

3 pages

900 words

Institutional Challenges of Carrefour for Asia

Institutional Challenges of Carrefour in AsiaIntroduction: the impact of formal institutions on business expansionThe primary purpose of this paper is to analyze the challenges presented by formal institutions for Carrefour’s expansion to Asia. Carrefour, one of the largest hypermarket chains in the world and the second largest retail group in the world, is a French retailer founded in 1958.... read more

6 pages

1800 words

Public Corporation


There have been rapid changes in technology in the 20th century. The changes have been crucial drivers of globalization. The developments in computerization, telecommunication and transportation has slashed the costs operation and increased the speed and ease with transmitting of people, goods and information. In many c... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Sol Sport, Spain

1. Inbound Logistics

In order to ensure successful transportation from the overseas suppliers to the port of Algeciras in southern Spain, Sol Sport logistics manager should elaborate the following issues: supply chain planning, shipment planning, transportation systems planning, vehicle routing and scheduling, and warehousing (se... read more

10 pages

3000 words

Chinese economy

Since the period of the Great Leap, Chinese economy changed a lot. Year after year it acquired characteristics of the free market economy and derogated from the principles of direct planning. After the fall of the Gang of Four, the country started to shift towards the principles of free economy: managers’ credentials were increased, decision-making process was further delegated to the local ... read more

7 pages

2100 words

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity

1.0 Executive summary

1.1 Business ideas and goals

The idea of the business is to manufacture locally and retail business clothes combining classical style and modern accents. Possibility to order the suit or other business clothes in the preferable colour or size is considered to be one of the most essential propos... read more

13 pages

3900 words

New Zealand

Although of a small size and export dependent, the New Zealand wine industry is growing rapidly and known for its high quality reputation nowadays. Only since 1960s, wine started to gradually become an important part of the New Zealand economy. Although initially only sweet wines of not very high quality were in demand, it served as a basis for the w... read more

2 pages

600 words

Assessing your target market & Switching Cost

Canon digital camera: 450,000 global monthly searches; 390 local monthly searches

Nikon digital cameras: 246,000 global monthly searches; 210 local monthly searches

Slr digital camera: 450,000 global monthly searches; 260 local monthly searches


Global monthly searches: 2,460,000

... read more

1 page

300 words

Codes of Ethics

Terry L Cooper illustrates how much the understanding of ethics has evolved over the centuries. He explains Descriptive Ethics, which deal with assumptions describing how we should behave. He goes father to explain the Normative Ethics that outline the developed theories explaining right and wrong in the society. Ethics, in this book is viewed as moral philosophy. Moral philosophy is examine... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Documents 61-70 of 83


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