Codes of Ethics

by Una Freese, June 2014

1500 words

5 pages


Terry L Cooper illustrates how much the understanding of ethics has evolved over the centuries. He explains Descriptive Ethics, which deal with assumptions describing how we should behave. He goes father to explain the Normative Ethics that outline the developed theories explaining right and wrong in the society. Ethics, in this book is viewed as moral philosophy. Moral philosophy is examined in view of four goals. One of them is the clarification of moral concepts, giving an insight to what people are morally expected to do. The other is critical evaluation of moral claims to determine their truths, justification and adequacy. The book further constructs an inclusive perspective and explains the interconnection between moral ideas and values. Finally, the author provides moral guidance through enhancing practical judgment.The author provides a dynamic process model in making ethical decisions. The model assumes there is a difference between ethical issues and other issues. Cooper notes that the manager’s responsibility when faced with a dilemma is to carefully examine the problem and find its ethical component. After identifying the normative dimension of the problem, the manager analyses alternative solutions through progressing via four levels of reflections. These are in expressive level, level of moral rules, level of ethical analysis and post-ethical levels.Levels of ethical reflectionAt the expressive level, the manager states what he/she thinks and feels about someone or something. These expressions are usually made with very strong levels of emotions and feelings. Moving from the expressive level is the most crucial step towards problem solving. At the level of moral rules, the manager reflects upon the ethical guidelines he/she may have heard and accepted. Pros and Cons of Codes of EthicsThere are arguments in favor of and against the attempts to provide a framework or behavior. Those against the code of ethics argue that it is difficult to apply in specific situations. They say that codes of ethics from professional cocoons do carry no means of gaining compliance. The objectors also believe that enforcement mechanisms of the codes of ethics are not meaningful. Finally, the opponents of the codes believe that expulsion from a profession for breeching codes of ethics has minimal effects. Proponents of the regulations of various professions, however, have very different opinions. They like the moral optimums that the codes of ethics set. They also think that the codes of ethics can be tailored to fit various situations in a profession. The supporters believe that the codes of ethics clarify and internalize values of a professional grouping. The codes are also better than legislation in focusing ideals , obligations and norms of a professional group.Responsibility and RoleCooper notes that ‘responsibility’ is a word is a relatively new vocabulary in the ethical world. It gained meaning in the 19th century to define the scope of accountability and obligation that the world had to exercise in view of the technological advancement. It was used in reference to the political situations that arose in France and America in around 1787. One is …

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