What are the differences in knowledge and skill required to become certified as a home care nurse or a community health nurse?

by Eulah Durham, June 2014

300 words

1 page


1. What are the differences in knowledge and skill required to become certified as a home nurse or a community nurse?

Nursing care is a science about provision of some elementary medical and preventive actions, for example, injections, medical tests, pulse control and care for the patients. Such a name is caused by the fact that nurses fulfill the above-mentioned procedures in hospitals or diagnostic centers.

At present the basic training on a nursing trade is at the university level in the United States. A professional “registered nurse” (R.N.) should have a bachelor’s degree assigned after graduation from medical school and correspond to the state’s requirements on licenses issue necessary for practice. Each state has its own criteria and rules of licenses issue; however, each state has the same license examination known as NCLEX-RN which is necessary to be successfully passed in order to obtain the license. There are two types of registered nurses: “a home nurse” and “a community nurse”.

The important condition influencing the quality of work of a community nurse is a financial stimulation of work. The criteria of an estimation of the activity of a community nurse are developed for the determination of the size of the financial incentives forming the motivation of workers of an average link to improve a quality of a medical aid.

Home nurses correspond in a greater degree to the needs of population, instead of to the requirements of a health care system. Home nurses are well educated professionals, equal partners, who work independently with the population, promoting the strengthening of a society’s health. Home nurses play a key role in the medico-public assistance to people of the advanced age, to the patients with the incurable diseases, health education, organization of the educational programs; propaganda of a healthy way of life.

2. How have your nursing experiences prepared you to function in the community as either a home health nurse or a community health nurse?

A home health care is based on the creation of hygiene conditions and appropriate regime, balanced diet, precise fulfillment of the medical prescriptions and permanent patient’s check-ups. The number of nursing measures depends on the state of health, according to which the physician can prescribe strict bed rest, bed rest or general rest. The former does not considerably restrict the patient’s motion activity. Even the patent’s full self-service does not release close relatives from the necessity to take care in home conditions. Home based care includes the creation of comfortable atmosphere, favorable psychological climate, provision of the prescribed dieting and bed regimes.

A community health care is based on more professional care if compared with home based care. In this case a great attention is paid to the relations between the physician and the patient, with the help of the qualified personnel.

“There is an intimacy nurses and patients share which is understood. The essence of a nurse is an unconditional love for mankind. To be called a nurse is an honor - a profession of the highest realm” (Donelan: 2004).


Donelan …

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