The ethics of engineering work

by Georgiann Zuk, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


One of the important and common species of Professional Conduct is an engineering ethics. As a set of rules governing the behavior of an engineer, it began to form a long time ago. Among its standards include such as the need to faithfully execute their work, create a device that would bring people to the benefits and would not cause harm or liability for the results of their professional activities, the definition of forms of relationship (customs and rules governing the relations) with other engineers participants in the process of creating and using technology.

A number of such rules are recorded in legal documents, such as laws relating to security, intellectual property and copyright. Some standards are professional engineers assigned to the established administrative governing the activities of an organization.

In various moral codes Engineers (American, German, Russian), along with general moral requirements are usually added features that should be met by representatives of the engineering work. Based on them, professional engineer moral character is as follows: he - rationalist, has a set of technical skills and has a tendency to invent, persistent, meticulous, hard-working, alert, dedicated, and sincere, based its activities on the experiment. Engineer did not indifferent to the fate of people, because it helps them achieve the highest level of prosperity. Representatives of the engineering professions are truly moral people.

No aspect of the technology is morally neutral. It is unacceptable to make human appendage technical artifacts. Each new technological innovation must be tested on the subject of whether or not it contributes to the development of man as a free and creative personality. Purpose acts as an anticipation of the imaginary and motivated human needs. Goal is always subordinated; there are some relationships or competition, or neutrality, or indifference. The criteria for evaluation and selection of targets and technology have meaning only in relation to their value systems.

The system of values techno ethics most directly characterize the two - functional capacity (fitness) and economy. They are serving the character in relation to other values techno ethics: welfare and human health, safety, environment, development of the individual and society.

However this characterization technique is rather poor in content. Technique - something more than just a means. She - a symbol of all that diversity and richness that characterize the world of man. Equipment - it's all men, but in a symbolic way. In the universe of art is symbolic existence and virtues of man, his value orientation and moral maxims. World of technology is not limited even by the three great values such as truth, beauty, goodness. This is the world - the world of man's destiny, the destiny of a complex and highly saturated.

In recognizing ethical professional engineers play a role in their association with professional organizations to create an environment to better meet individual needs and advocacy. Usually, the codes of ethics of engineering societies contain rules governing the relations of "engineer - society", "engineer - employer", "engineer - client", …

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