Case Study - Ethics

by Eustolia Manhart, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


Case one: Family business


The point of contention in this case resonates on the need for confidentiality in the payment protocols in the company and that or moral choices facing employees. Jane has just been hired as the head of payroll department. According to the ethical considerations of this company, she is not supposed to let out financial information to any other individual except the boss, Mr Eddie. She is supposed to be loyal. She is welcomed into the company with statement of objectives as regards codes of operation. Jane does not actually understand every protocol which leads to the running of the company. As she comes to realize, Eddie is fully able to hire and fire her. Greg is his brother and they are together working to earn more than other technicians in the company. As concerns the issuance of tickets, Greg receives more other tickets yet Jane had been instructed to give one to every technician. As such, the ethical considerations in this company are at stake. As she enters the office, she realizes that Eddie and Greg often play behind the curtain in order to get more benefits and privileges from the company. She is disturbed of this since this is her first job since college.

There is failure of ethical considerations and etiquette in this company. As far as all the workers are required to work and act according to preserved code of ethics, Eddie and the other two members of the higher rank seem to be above every law set in the company. It is wrong for Greg to earn more than the other technicians yet they do the same purpose. This is nepotism and should be eradicated from this company. Moreover, it is ethically wrong for Eddie to warn Jane in case she reports a wrong act. There is total failure in the observance of etiquette by the company stakeholders (Helms, 2012).

Case two: Is Bob special?

Training and Development

In this case, disability has been put under limelight. Tom is the senior auditor. Sam works under him as a staff auditor. Tom takes chances of hiring Bob, one of the computer workers who use a wheel chair. According to Tom, all is going to be well with Bob as far as the senior manager above him is concerned. Tom sees a lot of expertise and breakthroughs when Bob takes job. He seems to belief in him a lot. On the other hand, Sam is ready to work with Bob as it had earlier been planned by Tom. It consumes Sam’s time to have Bob under work. Therefore, efficiency of Sam is reduced with presence of Bob since Bob always needs a support in the form of a coworker. Meanwhile, Bob is glad that he has got this kind of job. His worries seem to have been settled though he still ponders whether enough clients will be send to him. He is not sure whether he will win the trust of the company’s clients. Out in the …

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