
by Linn Oatis, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


Patent can be described as a type of intellectual property that has a set of selected rights given by an independent state to the person who invented the property. The rights granted are for a period of time which in exchange they disclose their property to the public to use it. The processes of having the patent requirements given to the patentee vary depending on the international agreements and the national laws of a country. For a patent to be viable, its application must claim what classifies the invention. The claims or asserts must meet sufficient patentability needs, like novelty and not being too obvious. The patentee can be granted exclusive rights in various states to prevent situations where other people selling, making, using and distributing their invention without permit.

Patents have revolutionized the field of property ownership with owners of intellectual property being compensated for their work. This has promoted innovation and provided innovators with opportunities to create employment. Although enforcement and follow up for this law is difficult, patent laws ensure that intellectual property is treated as tangible property. Recognition of intellectual property emerged at a time when there was immense global technological change. These changes saw the modernization of the globe. The paper evaluates the history of patens and information about patents.

World Trade Organization offers patent a term protection of not less than 20 years if the patent is available in the organization member states and all fields of knowledge. Patent is an invention which is believed to be available to the public, but the inventor has exclusive rights to do whatever they see fit with their intellectual property (Burk 164). There are different types of patents; examples, land patents, letter patent and printing patent. Patent is a right given to any person who comes up with any new, important and uncommon procedure, idea, article, machine or matter. There are some kinds of intellectual properties that are rendered as patents too in some commands. This includes design patents, plant patents, innovation patents and the petty patents.

The need for patents was encouraged as early as 500BC. Support was held that if anyone discovered any new refinement in their luxury they should be granted rights to own their invention by patent for a period of time. A Decree was enacted that inventive and new devices for patents in the modern sense that once a device has been put into the application, it had to be corresponded to the republic (Meurer and Bessen 133). This was to obtain the rights, which prevent other people with no authorization for the device or the invention. Various patents have been granted for the things that only project inventions and had to be presented to the state for approval. Inventor’s rights have been considered natural for years and experts having been trying to explain that patents do not need examination for approval.

Laws that protect patents have been passed which explains patents as not being right to use an invention or practice. Instead, they …

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