How media can be moral and immoral

by Viviana Hampton, June 2014

3000 words

10 pages


Notion morale can be observed as the rule, law and prescription. In contemporary philosophical literature we understand morale as rectitude, special form of the social conscience and type of social relations, which is one of the core methods of the actions’ regulation within society. Therefore, morale appears and develops on the basis of society need to regulate human behavior in different spheres of their lives. Morale is recognized as one the most accessible methods of cognition of complex processes of social existence. The core problem of the morale is regulation of the relations and interests of the personality and society.

Moral ideals, principles and norms appeared from the understanding of the justice, humanity, kindness and public interests. Therefore, behavior of people that corresponded with these ideas was known as moral one and the one that did not correspond with them was observed as amoral one. In other words, any notion that correlates with rules and laws of the society is known to be moral.

In the contemporary world mass media can be recognized as indispensable part of life. It is seen as required part of the country and its economics, since it could perform all the tasks, which deal with informing, educating, socializing, and entertaining. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the ideas whether mass media can be seen as moral or immoral one, which is the topic of this investigation.

This topic has not been researched entirely from the aforementioned angles, since a lot of researches did not recognize these angles as the core ones. Most of investigators paid attention mostly to the way how mass media manipulated the conscience and influenced the way people develop within society. Thus, such concept as moral was often not taken into account.

Taking into account its relevance to human being, it is worth admitting that education of the growing child is recognized as one of the core tasks of the contemporary society. Under such education we understand directed development of the growing human being as unique individuality. Sociological investigations demonstrate that there are several notions that influence the education and formation of the personality. Among these notions there are the following ones: family – 50%; mass media – 30%, educational establishment – 10% and surroundings – 10%.

Mass media and other institutions of socialization influence the growing generations by means of changing of their conscience, valued orientations, needs and interests, demands and moral aspects. Therefore, one of the most influenced groups of the society is observed in youth group, since it uses mass media more than others in order to get the information of different content. Since young people are rather inquisitive and wish to be acknowledged about all the events, mass media has significant role in their everyday life. All these ideas form also the topicality of this investigation. In such relation, this investigation dealt with attempts to find out the level of interdependence of the youth perception with the mass media concepts. Therefore, it is worth analyzing certain types of the mass media.

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