Final Writing Assignment

by Gregorio Sugg, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


It is rather traditional to consider Human Resource Manager a boring job full of paper work and monotonous interviews with dull applicants. Neither free time, nor creativity… How far is it from the reality?

There are different methods of personnel management : 1) administrative method which is based on power, discipline and penalties; 2) economic methods that are based on the correct use of economic laws and ways of influence; 3) social-psychological methods which lie in the motivation and moral influence on people; 4) sociological methods which help to identify leaders in the team; 5) psychological methods which play an important role in co-existence with the staff, as it is directed to a specific individual worker or employee. HR managers have to govern every method and use them selectively in every case.

To begin with, Human Resource Manager is among the top rank positions of any company. Not a single tactical or strategic step of the company is made without Human Resource Manager’s consent because the fate of people is at stake. To become Human Resource Manager one needs to have a love to the routine the same as to have strong nerves and ability to establish contacts. Of no less importance are such qualities as acumen, patience, ability to listen, as well as a will to exercise rigidity, and authority. Gender and race are not so important for HR manager as erudition, a trained voice and a pleasant appearance.

Is there a place for creativity in the work of professional HR-Manager? To some extant the profession of HR managers is equal to the profession of sommelier. Any tasting (interview) each time is a unique ceremony that combines the expertise and experience basing on a set of individual feelings and intuition. The task of HR managers is to create optimal conditions so that a drink (candidate) could have disclosed its features, and the taster could have accurately determined a drink ( candidate) grade, vintage, color, aroma and flavor ( in the case of a candidate the experience, professional and personal skills). A work with a staff is a continuous process of self-development and "regulated imagination".

Around the world, companies are struggling with the aging workforce and less-loyal employees. Companies are constantly hiring, training, and retaining people. Globalization has increased the demand for talent everywhere, while the upcoming retirement of the Baby Boom generation is projected to shrink worker supply in the West. More than ever, employees are demanding a balance between their work and the rest of their lives which became a prevailing tendency in Eastern Europe, South America, and India.

Recently Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has made a research on how US companies manage their people. The top three issues found were: talent, leadership abilities and demography. Talent is in demand globally. To improve leadership development, some U.S. companies are planning to start providing financial rewards for good leadership. Taking intro consideration the demographic situation, …

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